October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

The Importance of Supportive and Reliable Technology Infrastructure for Business Growth

The Importance of Supportive and Reliable Technology Infrastructure for Business Growth


Thanks to the rise of remote work, many companies are making their employees work from home more often. This can be a great way to save money and improve productivity, but it’s important that you have the right technology infrastructure in place so employees can easily access their files and information when working remotely. Here are some tips for ensuring your company’s tech is ready for remote-working success:

The Importance of Supportive and Reliable Technology Infrastructure for Business Growth

Remote work is the future.

Remote work is the future.

It’s not just a trend, it’s a fact. The number of people working remotely has grown by 70{b863a6bd8bb7bf417a957882dff2e3099fc2d2367da3e445e0ec93769bd9401c} in the last five years and is expected to continue growing in the next five years at an even faster rate.

This isn’t just because millennials like their freedom or because businesses are trying to save money on office space–it’s also because remote work helps attract talented people who might otherwise go elsewhere, improves productivity by removing distractions from your day-to-day life, and helps you retain top talent by giving them more flexibility with their schedules.

Technology infrastructure is key to success.

The right technology infrastructure is key to your business’s success. It can help you to do more with less, be more efficient and productive, reach a wider audience and improve customer satisfaction.

If you want to grow your company or start a new venture in 2019, it’s important that you invest in the right tools from day one so that your systems are reliable and scalable as soon as possible.

Accessibility is vital.

If you are a business owner, you know that remote workers can be a huge benefit to your company. They can help your business grow and expand–but only if they have access to the tools they need in order to do their job.

This is why it’s important for businesses who rely on remote workers to consider accessibility when selecting and purchasing technology infrastructure. The last thing you want is for your employees not being able to access important information or documents because they don’t have access from where they are working at that moment or time period.

Security and privacy have never been more important.

In today’s world, security and privacy are more important than ever. At home or at work, in the community or online–you need to know that your information is safe.

In fact, it’s not just about protecting yourself; it’s also about protecting others who may be affected by your choices. If your computer isn’t secure enough to keep out hackers and other malicious actors who want access to private information like credit card numbers or Social Security numbers (SSNs), then anyone else using that computer will be at risk as well. This can lead to serious consequences: identity theft, financial loss due to fraud or theft of funds from bank accounts/credit cards/SSNs; medical identity theft where medical records are accessed without permission; etcetera ad infinitum…

Technology can be a big help when it comes to remote work, so make sure you’re prepared with a solid infrastructure to support your team members’ needs.

Technology can be a big help when it comes to remote work, so make sure you’re prepared with a solid infrastructure to support your team members’ needs.

Accessibility is vital in this day and age. Online tools like Slack are increasingly popular for communication between employees because they allow instant access to information at any time of day or night, regardless of location or time zone. Security and privacy have never been more important–and if your business isn’t equipped with the proper technology infrastructure to protect sensitive data from hackers or other threats, it could cost you dearly in terms of lost revenue and credibility with customers who expect their information will be kept safe from prying eyes (or even just nosy coworkers). Remote work is also becoming an increasingly common practice among businesses large and small; whether you employ freelancers remotely via apps like Upwork or use video conferencing software such as Skype for regular meetings between teams across different states/countries/continents…


As you can see, remote work is becoming increasingly popular among businesses. While there are many benefits to this type of setup–including increased productivity and employee satisfaction–it also requires careful planning and consideration when it comes to the technology infrastructure required for success. If you’re looking for a way to make your employees’ lives easier while also improving their productivity levels at work, then consider adopting remote work strategies into your business plan today!