October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Maximizing Performance

Maximizing Performance


There’s no denying that a lot of factors affect employee performance. But what if you could increase your team’s productivity and efficiency by just setting clearer goals? It sounds like something out of an episode of The Office, but it’s true! A recent study showed that companies with clear performance goals are more likely to achieve their targets than those without clear performance measures. If you want to improve the way your team performs at work, start by creating better objectives.

Maximizing Performance

Set goals and objectives

Goals and objectives are the foundation of a successful performance management system. Goals must be specific, measurable, achievable and relevant to the employee’s job. They should also be challenging but attainable; if they’re too easy to achieve then they lose their motivational value.

Finally, goals should be set at least once per year in the first quarter so that employees can plan their work around them effectively throughout the rest of the year–and because it gives managers time to coach before performance reviews take place (which should happen twice per year).

Identify goals for each of your team members.

You can’t expect your team members to work hard if they don’t know what they’re working towards.

So, how do you make sure that each person on your team has clear goals? It’s simple: identify the key goals for each team member and then set them accordingly. In other words, make sure that their goals align with the company’s overall objectives. You should also make sure that your employees’ goals are challenging but achievable (and time-bound).

Keep these goals in mind as you manage their performance throughout the year.

  • Provide ongoing feedback.
  • Provide positive feedback.
  • Provide negative feedback, but don’t overdo it and make it personal or emotional.
  • Give feedback as soon as possible after the behavior occurs, because waiting longer can make it harder for people to remember specific details about what they did wrong, especially if they were under pressure at the time of their mistake (and most mistakes happen when we’re under pressure).

Create a strategy for each goal.

Creating a strategy for each goal is a crucial step in maximizing performance. The best strategies are specific, measurable and achievable. They also align with company goals and reflect the realities of your business environment. Strategies should be reviewed regularly to ensure they are working as intended or need adjustment based on changes in the market or industry.

Communicate it to your team members and their managers.

Once you’ve set goals, it’s important to communicate them. You can do this by sharing your goals with your team members and their managers. Your team members will then be able to help achieve the organization’s overall objectives by working toward their own personal objectives in line with those of the organization.

The importance of communicating goals:

  • Communication is vital for ensuring that everyone has a shared understanding of what needs to be done and how they should go about doing it
  • It provides motivation for individuals who are trying to achieve something they care about or find interesting (e.g., achieving a promotion)

Setting clear goals and communicating them effectively can help boost employee performance

Setting clear goals and communicating them effectively can help boost employee performance. Goals should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound). They should also be aligned with the company’s strategic goals and communicated to employees so that they know what’s expected of them.


It’s important to remember that performance is a process, not a destination. You can’t just set your team’s goals once and expect them to be met without any effort or follow-up from your side. Instead, you need to keep checking in on how things are going so that you can stay informed about what needs improvement and where there might be opportunities for growth within each person’s role within the company as well as their personal lives outside of work hours.