October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Accelerating Growth through Automated Business Processes

Accelerating Growth through Automated Business Processes


Business process automation is the use of software applications to automate business processes. It can be implemented through third-party solutions or by customizing existing software to meet your business needs. The benefits of automating your business processes include increased efficiency, reduced cost and improved customer experience. In this article we will discuss four steps you can take to accelerate growth through automated business processes: defining the process, creating an execution plan, implementing the business process automation solution and monitoring its efficiency post implementation

Accelerating Growth through Automated Business Processes

Defining the process

Before you can implement a business process, you need to define it. The first step in this process is defining the problem you’re solving for your customer.

The best way to do this is by asking them what their goals are and then making sure that your solution aligns with those goals. If you’re creating a SaaS app, for example, ask the user what they hope the app will help them achieve (e.g., more time at home with family). Then make sure that your app delivers on that promise through features like scheduling reminders or automatic updates based on location data from smartphones.

Once you’ve defined the problem–in other words: set some specific and measurable goals–you can start thinking about solutions!

Creating an execution plan

To create an execution plan, you need to do the following:

  • Identify the steps in your process. This will help you determine where automation can be applied and what systems will be required to support it.
  • Document each step of your business process in detail so that it’s clear how its performed currently, what types of data are involved, who performs it and when it occurs (if applicable). You can do this manually or use software such as Microsoft Visio or BPMN 2.0 Diagrammer (BP Studio). If possible, identify any dependencies between steps so that they can be automated together later on down the line if needed–this will speed up implementation time significantly!

Implementing the business process automation solution

Implementing the business process automation solution

Implementing a business process automation solution can be a big undertaking. It’s important to consider all of the factors that may be involved in implementing an automated system, including:

  • What are your goals?
  • How much will it cost?
  • Who is going to be responsible for making decisions about what needs to change and how?

Once you have answers for these questions, it’s time for action! The next step is building out your plan of attack so that everyone knows what they need to do in order for things not only go smoothly but also succeed at reaching those goals we talked about earlier (speed, accuracy).

Monitoring the efficiency of your automated business processes

When you automate your business processes, it’s important to monitor the efficiency of those processes. This can be done through a number of methods and tools, including:

  • Performance Monitoring Dashboard
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Process Flow Analysis Tools

Automating business processes enables you to focus on core competencies and scale your business.

Automating business processes enables you to focus on core competencies and scale your business.

  • Automation improves efficiency, productivity and customer experience.
  • Automation reduces costs, errors and manual work.


In this article, we have discussed the importance of automating business processes. We have also looked at some of the ways in which you can automate your business processes. The key takeaway from this article is that by automating your processes, you will be able to focus on your core competencies and scale up quickly.