October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

4. Be Resource Efficient By Learning How To Work Efficiently And Effectively

4. Be Resource Efficient By Learning How To Work Efficiently And Effectively


You know the saying “Time is money.” Well, it’s true. And even if you don’t want to be a workaholic, there are still good reasons to learn how to work efficiently. For starters, working more efficiently can save you time and money. When you get more done in less time, that means less stress on you and your staff—and less waste from buying unnecessary items or paying for overpriced services (which we all do). Plus, there’s another benefit: Doing things more efficiently helps conserve resources for the future. If everyone learns how to work smarter instead of harder (or just as hard), then we can all contribute by being better stewards of our planet’s natural resources!

4. Be Resource Efficient By Learning How To Work Efficiently And Effectively

Work with purpose.

  • Work with Purpose.
  • Find your “why.”
  • Don’t just work for the paycheck alone, but also to help others and make the world a better place. Or, if you’re in it for yourself and only yourself, then find ways of making yourself happy at work so that you can be more productive when it comes time to get down to business.

Know when to say no.

Knowing when to say no is a skill that will serve you well in life and business. The best way to learn this skill is by setting boundaries for yourself, like doing only one thing at a time, or saying no when someone asks you to take on another project or responsibility. You may need help from others if your workload becomes too much; ask them for advice on how they manage their time or get them involved with some of the projects so that they can help lighten your load.

It’s also important not to overcommit yourself as an entrepreneur: try not taking on any more work than necessary at any given time (and always keep track of what’s coming up). This will allow room for error if something comes up unexpectedly, like an employee calling off sick or needing vacation days; then again, being too strict about limiting commitments could mean missing out on opportunities that could be beneficial down the road (like getting connected with key partners).

Define your values and stick to them.

In order to be resource efficient, you have to define your values and stick to them.

Values are the things that are important to you. You might value honesty, loyalty or kindness; hard work or playfulness (or both). These can be things like: “I will always tell the truth” or “I will help others when they need it.” If we don’t define our values for ourselves, then someone else will do it for us–and their definition may not match ours at all!

Set boundaries.

If you’re like me, you have no problem setting boundaries in other areas of your life. You know how much time and energy are required for each activity in your day, and if someone asks for more than that amount of either one, they’re going to get an immediate “no.”

However, when it comes to work–and especially when it comes to writing projects–it can be difficult to say no. It’s easy enough when someone asks for help with their homework or a favor around the house; but what about when people ask for your time and energy? What about when they want something from you that doesn’t feel right? How do we know when our limits have been reached?

The first step is defining them: knowing what kind of boundaries are okay (and even encouraged) by others; knowing which ones aren’t okay at all; knowing where those lines fall so that we can make informed decisions about where they should lie based on our own needs/desires/values etcetera…

Get organized.

Organization is a key to efficiency, and it also helps you make better use of your time.

The benefits of being organized include:

  • Easier access to information when you need it
  • Better focus on projects that are important for your business (and less time spent on ones that aren’t)

Use technology wisely.

Using technology wisely can help you to save time and money, as well as resources. For example, you can use a spreadsheet to calculate how much time it takes for a project manager to do their job, then use that information to determine if you need more people on staff or if the current team is working efficiently. You could also use apps like Slack or Trello that offer software tools in order to organize projects and keep everyone updated on their progress.

It’s important not only for businesses but also individuals because many people are using digital tools in their daily lives: from smartphones which allow us access information at any time (and anywhere), laptops which let us work remotely without having an office space; even smart TVs which allow us watch movies online instead of going out!

Learn how to work more efficiently, and you’ll save time, money, and resources

Working more efficiently is a great way to save time, money and resources. Here are some tips:

  • Work smarter, not harder. Use technology wisely so that you can get the most out of your day–and do more with less effort! For example, it may be tempting to work on the same task for hours on end because you don’t feel like starting over again (or worse yet…you’re bored). But if there’s another project waiting in line behind your current one that needs attention right away…or maybe even tomorrow morning…it wouldn’t hurt to switch gears now while everything is fresh in your mind. This will save time later on when those memories start fading away because they weren’t reinforced often enough during those periods where no actual work was being done anyway!
  • Organize yourself before getting started with any given project so that everything goes smoothly once things start rolling along smoothly without any hiccups along the way due to poor planning at first glance.”


Working efficiently is a skill that can be learned, and it’s one that will benefit you both at work and at home. By learning how to work more efficiently, you’ll save time, money and resources (including your own) while also helping the environment.