October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Why Every Business Should Have Their Own Cybersecurity System

Why Every Business Should Have Their Own Cybersecurity System


As a business owner, there’s nothing more important than keeping your company secure from cyber threats. The truth is that cybercriminals are constantly on high alert for new ways to compromise the security of businesses. So how can you make sure that your business isn’t easy prey? It’s simple: have your own cybersecurity system!

Why Every Business Should Have Their Own Cybersecurity System

Remote Work

Remote work is becoming more and more common. A recent study by the Freelancers Union found that 53 million Americans have worked remotely in the past 12 months, a 40{b863a6bd8bb7bf417a957882dff2e3099fc2d2367da3e445e0ec93769bd9401c} increase from 2014.

Remote work allows for more flexibility and can be a great way to attract and retain talent while saving money on office space. Not only do you save money on rent or utilities by not having an office, but you also don’t need as many employees because they can all work from home!


Cybersecurity is the protection of information systems from theft or damage to the hardware, software, and data being processed by those systems. It also includes efforts to ensure that equipment used to support an information system is physically secure (e.g., locked rooms).

Cybersecurity has become a major concern for businesses and individuals worldwide. In order to prevent cybercrime, it’s important that everyone understands what they’re up against in this new digital age–and how they can protect themselves against it.

Every business needs to have their own cybersecurity system.

A cybersecurity system is an integral part of any business. It can be used to protect your company, ensure the safety and security of your employees and customers, and prevent cyber-attacks from occurring in the first place. A good cybersecurity system will help you keep up with new threats as they arise without having to hire additional staff or spend thousands on upgrades.

In order for a business owner or manager to create their own cybersecurity system, there are several steps that must be taken:

  • Determine how much time each employee spends doing their job every day (and make sure it’s not too much). This should include any time spent checking email or social media accounts during work hours as well as lunch breaks if applicable.* Set aside an hour per week where no one can access any electronic devices at all.* Make sure everyone has read “How Computers Work” by Bill Gates before beginning work each day.*


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