October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Why Data Protection Is Vital For Your Business

Why Data Protection Is Vital For Your Business


If you run your own business, you know that data is the lifeblood of it. With the right information, your company can thrive and grow. Without good data, however, it can’t survive. That’s why protecting it is vital to ensuring a healthy business environment. There are many threats to your data—from natural disasters like fires or floods to more malicious attacks by outside forces—and making sure that you’re prepared for any of them is essential. In this article we’ll give an overview of some common threats and how best to protect yourself from them so that your company stays safe throughout its lifetime

Why Data Protection Is Vital For Your Business

Data is the lifeblood of your business.

Data is the lifeblood of your business. It’s more valuable than ever and you need to protect it. Data is the foundation of your business, but if it’s not protected, you could lose everything.

Protecting data means protecting your business.

Data is the lifeblood of your business. It’s what keeps it running and enables you to grow it into more than just a hobby or side project. If you lose your data, you lose everything–and if you don’t protect it properly, that could happen sooner rather than later.

Data protection is vital for any company looking to succeed in today’s market environment; without proper measures in place to safeguard their information assets, organizations risk losing everything they’ve worked so hard on building up over time. Organizations need an effective strategy for protecting their sensitive data so they can keep moving forward without interruption or worry about security breaches compromising sensitive information such as customer credit card numbers or employee social security numbers (SSNs).

There are many threats to your data.

There are many threats to your data. It can be lost, stolen or corrupted. Data can also be accessed by unauthorized parties, who may use it to manipulate your company for their own gain.

There are several ways that businesses should protect themselves against these risks:

Making sure that you’re prepared for a cyber-attack is essential.

If you’re in the business of protecting data, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest threats. As cyber criminals get more sophisticated and more determined to break into your systems, so must your defenses.

What can you do?

  • Stay up-to-date on industry news and trends by subscribing to newsletters and blogs from companies like us (we’ll let you know when there are new features we’ve released).
  • Keep an eye out for any suspicious emails or websites that may be trying to trick you into giving away sensitive information. Don’t click links or enter passwords unless they come directly from us! If something looks fishy, don’t hesitate–report it immediately!

The value of good cybersecurity cannot be overstated, so take time to protect yourself and your company.

The value of good cybersecurity cannot be overstated, so take time to protect yourself and your company.

The cost of a cyber-attack is staggering:

  • A study by the Ponemon Institute found that the average cost of data breaches in 2018 was $3.86 million per incident, up from $3.60 million in 2017. The study also found that companies paid an average of $141 per record lost or compromised–and this number increased by more than 50 percent since 2014 when it was just $94 per record lost or compromised (source: https://www2.deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited).
  • According to research by IBM Security and Ponemon Institute, there were 1,900 new malware threats discovered every day in 2018 alone! That’s up from 1,000 new threats per day back in 2013 (source: https://www2 .deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited).


You have to protect your company’s data, and that means protecting yourself from cyber-attacks. The value of good cybersecurity cannot be overstated, so take time to protect yourself and your company.