October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Why Cyber-crime is So Prevalent Today and What You Can Do To Prevent It

Why Cyber-crime is So Prevalent Today and What You Can Do To Prevent It


Cyber-crime has become more prevalent than ever before, with a variety of different types of attacks being used to steal your personal information and money. There are many reasons why cyber-crime is so prevalent today, but the most important thing is that you can take steps to protect yourself.

Why Cyber-crime is So Prevalent Today and What You Can Do To Prevent It

Email Phishing

Phishing attacks are a common form of cyber-crime. They involve sending emails to trick you into revealing personal information, such as passwords and credit card details. Phishing emails can look like they’re coming from legitimate companies or people and they often ask you to click on links or download attachments.

You should never give out your personal details over email unless you are certain that the person sending it is genuine, even if they have sent similar messages before. If possible, do not open any attachments until you have checked them first with someone at work who knows about computers.


Malware is a program that can infect your computer and cause damage to it. Malware can be installed on your computer through a drive-by download, or by clicking on a link in an email. It also can be installed through USB drives and fake software updates.


Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts your files and then demands payment to decrypt them. It’s become one of the most popular ways for cyber criminals to make money. Once ransomware infects a computer, it will scan all connected storage devices for files with extensions such as .docx or .jpg, encrypt them and then display a message demanding payment in order for you regain access to your data:

If you’re infected with this type of malware, there’s no real way around paying up–but there are ways to prevent getting infected in the first place!

Social Engineering

Social engineering is a form of cyber-crime in which the attacker uses deception to manipulate people into performing actions or divulging confidential information. Social engineering attacks may be carried out using email, phone calls or text messages, webpages designed to trick users into giving up sensitive information, or even through physical interactions with unsuspecting employees.

The attacker often impersonates a person in authority, such as a CEO or other high-ranking official. The goal is to make it seem like he/she has access to internal systems and/or can grant access for malicious purposes (such as stealing data).

Identity Theft

Identity theft is the most common type of cyber-crime. Identity theft occurs when someone steals your personal information such as your name and social security number. This can happen by stealing your wallet, hacking into your computer or phone, or through a phishing scam.

Identity thieves use this information to buy things in your name, open fraudulent accounts at banks or credit card companies and even obtain loans in order to pay off their debts incurred from making purchases with stolen credit cards (which are then charged back onto the victim’s account). In some cases those with stolen identities may even be arrested for crimes they did not commit because police believe them to be guilty based on other evidence found during their investigation into the crime committed by their impersonator.

There are many different ways that cyber-crime can happen today, but there are steps everyone can take to be more secure.

  • You need to be aware of the risks, threats and dangers that exist in a digital world.
  • You need to know what you can do to protect yourself and others from cyber crime.
  • You should also know how to report a cyber crime if you witness one happening or if it happens to you.


Cyber-crime is a serious issue that affects everyone. Whether you’re an individual or part of an organization, there are steps you can take to protect yourself. Hopefully this article has given you some insight into how cyber-criminals operate and what they look for when targeting their victims.