October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Which Management Style Are You?

Which Management Style Are You?


If you’ve ever worked in an office, chances are you’ve had at least one boss who wasn’t the best. Maybe they micromanaged, or maybe they let their employees run around without any direction whatsoever. Luckily for us, there’s more than one way to manage—and knowing which style works best for you and your team is essential to creating a healthy work environment.

Which Management Style Are You?


You’re a taskmaster. You care about results, and you’re not afraid to get down to business in order to achieve them. You prioritize what needs to be done over everything else–including people’s feelings and opinions. If something doesn’t make sense or isn’t important enough for your time or attention, then it doesn’t matter if other people think differently: you won’t be swayed by their arguments!

Taskmasters typically focus on what is urgent and strategic; they don’t have time for anything else because they’re so busy getting things done (and done well).


If you’re a micromanager, you like to keep a close eye on what your employees are doing and how they’re doing it. You might even step in from time to time to help them out with their tasks or offer guidance on how best to accomplish them.

It’s important for managers to be involved in the work of their team members–but too much involvement can have negative consequences for both productivity and employee engagement. When managers are constantly checking up on their employees’ progress, they may find themselves spending less time developing strategies that will advance their business goals and more time just trying to get things done right now (which isn’t always the best strategy).


A delegator is a great manager because they can trust the people they work with. They are flexible and open to change, but also very good listeners. They give their team members the opportunity to learn and grow, which means that everyone will be motivated by the chance to do more than what was expected of them in the first place.

Delegators have an eye for what needs doing on a project, but they don’t necessarily want all of it done themselves–they’d much rather see someone else step up and take responsibility for getting things done!


The autocrat is a leader who needs to have control of the situation. Autocrats are good at delegating tasks and managing their time, but they may struggle to motivate others. If you’re an autocrat, you might find yourself saying “I’ve got this” when someone asks for help, or taking on more than your fair share of work because you can’t stand feeling like someone else is slacking off (even if they aren’t).

This management style works well for people who want to plan out every detail ahead of time and then execute those plans with precision–but it doesn’t work as well when there are unexpected changes in circumstances that require some flexibility on the part of your team members or yourself.


If you are a facilitator, your management style is one of open-mindedness and flexibility. You’re willing to listen to suggestions and ideas from your employees, and encourage them to take responsibility for their own actions–and often those of others in the workplace as well. As a result, you’re good at communicating with people on all levels of authority within an organization: from janitors all the way up through CEOs.

You are also flexible in terms of adapting your strategy based on new information or circumstances that arise in any given situation; this makes you an excellent team player who’s easygoing enough not only to enjoy working with others but also help them navigate through challenging situations together!

There are many different ways to manage and the right one depends on you and your team.

There are many different ways to manage and the right one depends on you and your team.

Here is a brief overview of the most common styles:

  • Autocratic – This style involves giving orders without asking for input from others. It’s a good option when you want to move fast, but can be frustrating for employees who want more say in how they do their job or how things get done.
  • Democratic – This style encourages employees to share ideas and participate in decision-making processes by voting on issues that affect them directly (or indirectly). It works well if your company has lots of creative types who like contributing ideas, but may not work as well if everyone prefers being told what to do instead of having their own opinions valued by management.


So, what management style are you? And are there any other styles that we missed? Let us know in the comments below!