October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

The Keys to Building Culture Through Technology Adoption in a Startup

The Keys to Building Culture Through Technology Adoption in a Startup


You know what’s not cool? Building a great product or service, then having it fail because your company didn’t create the right culture around adoption. It’s also not cool to have your employees wasting time on outdated software and tools that don’t help them do their jobs well. That’s why I’m here to tell you: technology adoption doesn’t have to be an uphill battle against the status quo. Just follow these simple steps and you’ll be way ahead of most companies in no time:

The Keys to Building Culture Through Technology Adoption in a Startup

Technology adoption is not a one-size fits all approach.

“Technology adoption is not a one-size fits all approach,” says co-founder and CEO of WizeHive, Alex Klein. “It’s important to understand what your business needs before you start.”

What kind of technology adoption do you need? What’s the best way for your team to learn about it? Is there an opportunity for collaboration between different teams within the organization or will everyone have their own personal learning plan? These are some questions you should be asking yourself before diving into any new technology.

Identify the problem you want to solve first.

First, you need to identify the problem you want to solve first.

There are many reasons why this is important:

  • It forces you to think critically about your business model and where you can add value. If the problem isn’t real or significant enough, then it’s likely that no one will pay attention or give money in exchange for solving it (which means no customers!).
  • By defining your own problems as well as those of potential customers, it allows companies and entrepreneurs alike a clearer understanding of what their customers want from them–and how they can deliver on those expectations through technology adoption practices such as customer success management systems (or CSMs).

Don’t underestimate the value of a good user experience.

User experience (UX) is a term that has been thrown around quite a bit in recent years. It refers to the way people interact with a product or service, and encompasses everything from how it looks and feels on the screen to how easy it is for them to accomplish their goals with that product or service. The importance of UX cannot be overstated–in fact, some would argue that good user experience is actually more important than functionality itself!

However, there’s another piece of this puzzle: culture. Any startup worth its salt knows how important culture is; having employees who love working at your company makes everything easier from hiring to firing decisions down the line. But what does this mean? How do you build culture through technology adoption?

Build an MVP that is realistic.

In order to build a strong culture, you have to start with a solid foundation. The first step in building a company’s culture is creating an MVP (minimum viable product). The goal of an MVP is to test whether or not your idea will work, and it should be built as quickly as possible with only the most essential features. Once you’ve established that there is demand for your product or service, then you can begin adding more bells and whistles–but if your product doesn’t catch on at first glance, then customers won’t stick around long enough for those extra bells and whistles anyway!

As far as what makes up an MVP goes: It depends on what kind of business model you’re working under. If yours is based around physical goods such as clothes or food delivery services like Postmates where shipping costs are part of every sale then it might make sense for these products themselves serve as part of this initial phase (i..e sell shirts instead). But if yours isn’t about physical items but rather digital ones like software applications/games etc., then maybe consider building something simple like landing pages where users can signup without needing anything else besides their email address…

Focus on what works, not what doesn’t.

The most important thing is to focus on what works, not what doesn’t. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and try new things. If you’re stuck in a rut, it’s okay–you’re allowed to experiment with new technology or processes that might help you break out of that rut. Don’t worry about making a mistake; instead, embrace the opportunity for growth and improvement!

Set realistic expectations around adoption and success.

Setting realistic expectations around adoption and success is a key to building the right culture.

You don’t have to have everything right the first time. In fact, you should expect that your initial efforts will be less than perfect, but they can still help you build momentum towards larger goals. For example:

  • If you start with just one tool (like Slack), don’t worry if it doesn’t work out perfectly at first–just focus on getting started! Then try something else next time.
  • If you want everyone on your team using Slack but only 5{b863a6bd8bb7bf417a957882dff2e3099fc2d2367da3e445e0ec93769bd9401c} are using it after 6 months, then consider whether or not it’s worth continuing trying until everyone adopts this tool (or another one).

Technology can make your business more efficient and productive, but it’s important to make sure you have the right expectations around adoption, especially for smaller businesses with limited resources.

When it comes to building a culture of technology adoption, it’s important to understand that there is no one-size fits all approach. The first step is identifying the problem you want to solve first and then determining the best way for your company or team to achieve those results.

If your goal is efficiency and productivity, then you may want to consider investing in software like Slack or Trello–both of which offer robust options for communication and collaboration within teams. On the other hand, if employees are having trouble staying connected while they’re away from their desks (or just need some time away from their screens), then something like Weave may be more appropriate since it allows users who have logged into their computers remotely through their phones or laptops access everything they need without needing any special apps installed beforehand like Skype or FaceTime would require them too do otherwise.”


Technology adoption is not a one-size fits all approach. Every business has its own unique needs, and technology adoption should be tailored to meet those needs. The most important thing is to make sure you have realistic expectations around adoption and success, so that you don’t get discouraged by setbacks or unexpected obstacles along the way.