October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

The Data Series: Confession of An Imperfect Data Management Specialist

The Data Series: Confession of An Imperfect Data Management Specialist


We live in a world of data. Every day, our smartphones and devices create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data. That’s more than the combined amount ever created before! And it’s growing exponentially. While this deluge may seem overwhelming, there are also opportunities for innovation and growth if we can manage this flood effectively. Data science, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) offer us new ways to process information quickly and accurately so that businesses can make better decisions faster than ever before—from the way they design products to how they market them.

The Data Series: Confession of An Imperfect Data Management Specialist

Data is everywhere.

You’re probably familiar with the famous quote by Mark Twain: “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” It’s applied to a lot of things these days, but it could just as easily apply to data. Data is everywhere–in the air we breathe, in the food we eat and drink, in our clothes and homes (including computers and phones), even inside our cars!

So if you’re going to manage data effectively then it’s important for us all not just as individuals but also as a society that we understand what makes up good management practices for handling this precious resource so that we can continue living healthy lives without having any more than necessary taken away from us by bad management policies.”

We need new tools and techniques to manage data.

As data grows, we need new tools and techniques to manage it. We need to be able to access and analyze our data quickly and effectively. We also need to be able to store it efficiently so that we can continue analyzing the same information over time, which is vital for making business decisions.

What’s the problem?

We are drowning in data. And it’s getting worse every day.

  • We’re producing more and more data, at an exponential rate: By 2020, we will create 44 trillion gigabytes of information–that’s 1 million times more than what was produced by humanity before 2010. This includes 4 billion hours of video content every month on YouTube alone (and that’s just one platform).
  • Data comes from everywhere: Machines are generating massive amounts of information as they process transactions or run programs; humans are sharing their experiences on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter; sensors attached to machines collect information about their performance; satellites measuring global temperatures or atmospheric conditions send back readings.. You name it! You can find a source for any type of data you want–even if that source is yourself: Your FitBit tracks your health while driving routes through Google Maps reveals traffic patterns around town…even the weather app on your phone can tell us how many minutes we spend outdoors each day!
  • There are different types of formats used today including text documents such as emails sent between colleagues at work; spreadsheets containing financial figures from past years’ earnings reports; images taken with our smartphones during vacation travels last year… In addition there also exists video clips taken from security cameras inside stores where we shop regularly (or maybe even just hang out).

The problem is not simply one of scale, but speed.

The problem is not simply one of scale, but speed. The amount of data we have to deal with is enormous–and growing at an exponential rate. We need new tools that can help us manage this flood of information quickly and effectively.

I’m sure you know what it feels like when your inbox gets too full: your email becomes hard to find anything in it; important messages get lost or buried under spam or newsletters; and finding things takes forever because every single message requires a new search query (or two). This is how most people feel about their personal data stores: they’re too big and unmanageable!

We need methods to handle the high volumes of data being created every second.

  • Data is created by sensors.
  • Data is created by humans.
  • Data is created by machines, AI and robots.

As a result of this proliferation of data, we need methods to handle the high volumes of data being created every second. The term “big data” has become synonymous with large amounts of information that are too large for traditional database software applications like SQL Server or Oracle Database to handle efficiently on their own without special hardware configurations such as parallel processing or distributed computing systems with multiple processors working in tandem (called “cloud computing”).

We also need methods for accessing and analyzing these massive amounts of data quickly and effectively.

AI can help us discover insights in data, understand what data is useful and how to use it, and get the most out of our data.

AI is an amazing tool for discovering actionable insights from your business’s data. It allows you to ask questions about your business that were never possible before and get immediate answers! You can also use AI as a way of understanding what information is important so that when someone asks you a question about something related (like “who spends more money?”), instead of having to spend hours pulling numbers together yourself or going through endless spreadsheets filled with numbers (which may not even be good quality), all you have to do is ask the computer for it! This saves time and makes everyone happier because now no one has any excuse not knowing something important because there are no longer any excuses left – just questions!

Artificial Intelligence is helping us manage the flood of data we’re experiencing in our everyday lives

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a tool to help us manage the flood of data we’re experiencing in our everyday lives.

AI can analyze large amounts of information and make sense of it, which makes it easier for companies to identify patterns and trends in their business data. As a result, AI allows businesses to take action on these insights more quickly than before–and that means better decision making overall!

But what exactly does this look like? Well…


In the end, data is a tool. It can be used for good or evil, but it’s up to us as a society to decide how we want to use it. We can’t let fear drive our decisions when it comes to artificial intelligence or any other technology that could potentially change the way we live our lives. Rather than trying desperately avoid what might happen in the future, we should focus on how we can use these tools responsibly and responsibly today so that tomorrow will be better than yesterday