October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Preparing For Disaster: Tips For Organization and Building a Business Continuity Plan

Preparing For Disaster: Tips For Organization and Building a Business Continuity Plan


In business, preparing for a disaster is a necessary part of doing business. Every company needs to make sure that it can continue operating in the event of an emergency, whether it’s a natural disaster or something else. The best way to ensure your company can survive any kind of disaster is by having an organized plan in place and making sure all employees know what they’re supposed to do in case of emergency.

Preparing For Disaster: Tips For Organization and Building a Business Continuity Plan

1. Get organized

You need to know what you have, where it is and how much of it you have. You also need to know what you need, how much of it your company uses and how much that costs. For example:

  • Do you have a copy of each file on every computer in the office? If not, where are they stored?
  • Are all files backed up somewhere else in case of fire or flood damage? If not, when will they be backed up?
  • How often do employees check their email from home or on their smartphones instead of using desktop computers at work?
  • How many employees use mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones during the day for business purposes (iPad apps for salespeople who travel frequently for example)?

2. Create a crisis communication plan

If you’re not familiar with the term “crisis communication,” it’s simply a plan for how you’ll communicate with employees, customers and the public during an emergency situation. It helps ensure that everyone knows what to do in an emergency and can get information from you quickly.

How do I create a crisis communication plan?

A good place to start is by thinking about what kinds of disasters might affect your business: earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes are just some examples that come to mind–but there are many others! If a disaster strikes your community or region (or even if it doesn’t), who needs to know about it? Who needs help? What should they do next? Consider all these questions as part of your planning process so that when something does happen–and hopefully it won’t!–you’ll be ready with answers for everyone involved.

3. Plan for disaster recovery

In disaster recovery, you’re not just recovering from the event itself; you’re also recovering from the aftermath of that event. This means that once you’ve recovered your data and systems, you still need to consider what other problems may have occurred during the disaster.

For example: if someone is injured in a flood and needs medical attention, they’ll need help getting out of harm’s way first before they can receive treatment for their injuries. In many cases like this one–and there are many others–it’s essential that your business continuity plan account for both types of recovery: immediate physical safety as well as long-term business operations.

4. Create a backup plan and test it

  • Create a backup plan and test it. Your business continuity plan should include both hardware and software, in addition to any other important data you may want to keep safe. This includes employee records, client information, accounting information and more–anything that could be useful during or after an emergency situation.
  • Test your backup plan at least once a month so that you know if it works as expected when needed most!
  • Review the entire process annually with everyone involved in order to make sure nothing has changed since last year’s review meeting; this includes updating any passwords or security measures needed for accessing the data stored on said devices/servers/etcetera (if applicable).

5. Have an offsite storage location

  • Have an offsite storage location

You should choose your offsite storage location carefully and make sure that it’s secure and safe from natural disasters, such as tornadoes or hurricanes. Also consider how easy it is to get to the facility during emergency situations (think road closures).

Although you may think of your office as a good place for storing important business information, this could actually be detrimental if there’s ever a fire or other disaster at your office building. In fact, most companies don’t even have enough room in their own facilities to store all of the data they need to keep backed up securely–let alone protect those backups from being damaged by smoke inhalation! If possible, choose an alternate site where you can keep all of these files safely tucked away until they’re needed again later on down the road when everything has been restored back home again after whatever happened has passed through town without any lasting effects beyond some minor damage here and there which could easily be fixed over time once everything gets sorted out again.”

6. Educate employees on the importance of data security and safety measures

The final step in preparing your business for disaster is educating employees on the importance of data security and safety measures.

Employees should not be afraid to ask questions about your company’s plan for dealing with emergencies, and they should understand the importance of data security and backup. They need to know what types of disasters could affect them personally, what steps they need to take in case of an emergency, and how quickly those steps can be implemented.

The last thing you want is for an employee who hasn’t been properly trained or prepared for something like this happening at their desk (or even worse: while they’re out on break).

There are many things you can do to prepare for disaster, but it’s important to start today!

You should always be ready for disaster.

There are a lot of things you can do now to prepare for an emergency, but it’s important not to wait until disaster strikes before getting started. The time between when your business first experiences an emergency and when you’re able to recover is called “the window of opportunity”–and it’s shorter than you might think. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that because nothing bad has happened yet, there won’t ever be anything bad that happens!

If something does happen (and trust me, it will), being prepared will help keep everyone safe and calm while giving them confidence in their ability as leaders during this difficult time. It also makes things easier on those outside the company who may need information about what happened or how best they can help with recovery efforts after an event occurs–like customers who want updates on product delivery schedules or vendors looking for payment terms from clients impacted by disasters like fires or floods…


Disaster preparedness is a critical part of business. It can help you recover quickly from a crisis, keep customers informed and secure their data, and prevent unnecessary losses. The best thing you can do is start today!