October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Performance Management: Getting Things Done

Performance Management: Getting Things Done


The purpose of performance management is to drive results. It’s important to have clearly defined goals and objectives. A sound performance management system will include regular reviews, coaching and development opportunities for employees.

Performance Management: Getting Things Done

The purpose of performance management is to drive results.

If you’re reading this article, chances are you or someone who works for you needs to improve their performance management skills. All organizations have goals and objectives that they want their employees to achieve, but not all of them have a clear plan for how those results will be achieved. In order to get things done effectively, it’s important that each employee understands how their work contributes toward achieving the company’s goals; this helps them prioritize tasks so they can spend more time on what matters most.

Performance management is a process that helps an organization achieve its goals by aligning employee performance with company objectives and standards–and then measuring whether those objectives were met over time through ongoing feedback loops between managers/supervisors and team members/individual contributors (ICs).

The goal of PMO is not only helping ICs perform better at work but also developing ICs into leaders who can support other ICs within the organization as well as lead outside organizations when needed.”

A performance management system creates a culture of high performance.

Performance management is a critical component of any business. It creates a culture of achievement, accountability and high performance by helping employees understand what is expected of them and providing a framework for measuring performance.

Performance management systems include:

  • Employee performance plans – which outline goals, objectives and targets for each employee over time
  • Individual development plans – to help employees meet their career aspirations by working on key skills required for future roles within the organisation or externally

Performance management drives accountability.

Performance management is all about accountability. It’s a shared responsibility between managers and their employees, and it’s an essential part of any performance management system.

Here are some things you can do to make sure that everyone involved in your organization understands their role when it comes to holding each other accountable:

  • Make sure that everyone knows what they’re supposed to be doing and how they’ll know if they’re doing it right.
  • Communicate clearly about what success looks like for each goal (or objective) set by your company or department. This will help ensure that everyone has the same understanding of what needs to get done, how much time is available for them to accomplish those tasks, who else may need help along the way, etcetera!
  • Be transparent about how well each person did at achieving those goals (and objectives). This might mean sharing progress reports with peers and supervisors alike; it could also involve giving feedback directly via face-to-face meetings or group emails where people can ask questions about anything unclear before moving forward again together toward greater success next time around too!

It’s important to have clearly defined goals and objectives.

An important step in the process of goal-setting is to define your objectives.

When you set goals, it’s important to have clearly defined objectives. This will help ensure that you’re working towards a specific outcome and not just going through the motions with no real purpose or plan in mind.

The first thing you should do when defining your objective(s) is ask yourself: “What do I want?” For example, if one of your fitness goals is to lose weight, then maybe some other questions would be: How much weight do I want to lose by? How long will this take me? What kind of effort am I willing to put in on a daily basis in order for me to achieve these results within 3-6 months’ time frame (or whatever timeframe works best for your situation)?

A sound performance management system will include regular reviews, coaching and development opportunities for employees.

  • Regular feedback is important. The review process should be a two-way conversation, where you and your employee share thoughts on their performance, goals and development needs.
  • Reviews should be regular but not too frequent; once every six months is usually ideal. This gives employees time to reflect on their own performance as well as that of their department or team before it’s time for another review.
  • Review documents should be written down and documented so they can be referred back to at any time by anyone involved in the process (including HR). They needn’t be lengthy but should include:
  • A summary of what was discussed during the meeting with your employee, who was present at it (and why), what actions were agreed upon etcetera
  • A summary of how each goal has been met or not met over time (if applicable)
  • Any additional comments made by either party during this conversation

A clear, sustainable performance management process can help any company achieve its goals.

Performance management is a process that helps you get things done.

It’s not just about setting goals, it’s about making them happen.

The first step in performance management is defining the problem before you start on a solution. In other words: what do you want to achieve?

What are your goals? How will they help your company reach its strategic objectives? You should also consider how these goals align with personal ambitions and priorities–if there’s no overlap between professional and personal aspirations then it may be time for some soul-searching (or at least an honest conversation).

Once those questions have been answered, it’s time for action! Your next step should be setting tangible fitness-based targets which can be achieved over a period of 3-6 months at most–this gives both parties involved enough time to see measurable results while not being so far out into the future that they lose sight of what needs doing right now!


We hope this article has helped you understand the importance of performance management and how it can help your company achieve its goals. If you’re still looking for more information on how to improve your own performance management system, we recommend checking out our blog posts on the topic. They cover everything from goal setting and goal review meetings all the way through to coaching employees for success.