Introduction We all know that technology adoption is the future of business, but there are many benefits to be had from doing it right. I’ve been asked what are some ways to make sure you’re maximizing the benefits of technology adoption, so here are five tips: Do not jump blindly […]
How Facebook And Google Make Money Off You Using Data Analytics
Introduction Facebook and Google make money by selling your data. That’s it. They know everything about you, which means they can sell that data to advertisers in exchange for cold hard cash. There’s nothing wrong with this business model in principle—after all, they’re just using our own information against us—but […]
How Customer Experience Can Boost Your Bottom Line
Introduction Customer experience is the new battleground for companies. Customers want to get what they need quickly and easily. They want to feel valued and respected, both by your company and by their interactions with you. They also want to be able to trust that you’ll be around for the […]
How To Streamline & Securely Process Credit Card Payments Online.
Introduction Credit card payments are a great way to streamline and secure your business’s sales process, but they’re not always easy for customers to use. Fortunately, there are ways to make credit card processing easier for both you and your customers. Follow these steps to make sure that your customers […]
5 Ways To Improve Your Business With Personalization
Introduction Have you ever received a letter from your bank addressed to “Dear Customer”? Or maybe you’ve received a letter from an airline that didn’t include your first name. The fact is, these are examples of businesses that aren’t personalizing their communication with their customers—and it’s costing them money. Here’s […]
Three Ways Interoperability Can Overcome Data Communication Barriers
Introduction Data communication is the key to unlocking the potential of your company’s data. However, implementing interoperability can be challenging when you have many different systems in place, especially if they use different technologies or protocols. Here are three ways to overcome these barriers and get started on a path […]
Maximizing Performance (A Business Book Review)
Introduction Maximizing Performance is a must-read for any business leader. The book provides a framework that can be used to help you design and implement systems and processes that will improve performance in your organization. Maximizing Performance Maximizing Performance is a must-read for any business leader. The book is written […]
The Future is Sustainable Innovation
Introduction We are living in the age of sustainable innovation. Sustainable innovation is not some vague concept or distant dream; it’s already happening, here and now. It’s about creating new value and business opportunities for companies that are doing good for people and planet. It’s about supporting the triple bottom […]
Five Ethical Reasons Your Business Should Adopt Cloud Computing
Introduction If you’re a business owner, you probably already know that cloud computing is the way of the future. But if you’re still on the fence about whether or not to start using cloud services in your own company, here are five reasons why it’s worth looking into: Cloud computing […]
5 Tips To Elevate Customer Experience
Introduction Customer experience is a major player in the success of any business. It has become an essential component of marketing and as we move into an age where artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more prevalent, it’s more important than ever to focus on providing a great customer experience. This […]