October 19, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

My Guide To Building A Strong Online Presence

My Guide To Building A Strong Online Presence


Building A strong online presence is the foundation that can help grow your business. It’s important to be smart about how you build your digital marketing strategy and make sure it aligns with your overall goals. The following guide will help you understand what’s involved in developing a strong online presence, how to choose the right platforms for your business, and how to develop an overall strategy that supports all of these efforts.

My Guide To Building A Strong Online Presence

The first step to building your online presence is understanding your goals.

The first step to building your online presence is understanding your goals and knowing what you can do to achieve them.

  • Know what you want: The first thing to do is write down all of the things that are important to you, such as the following:
  • What do I want my brand image and reputation to be?
  • How will people perceive me?
  • What kind of content should I post on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram?
  • Know what resources are available: Next, take a look at the resources at hand and determine whether they’re enough for what needs doing; if not, think about how much time/money/effort (or combination thereof) would be required in order for these resources to become sufficient enough for success–and then make sure that those things happen!

Make a list of all the activities that are involved in building your online presence.

The first step is to make a list of all the activities that are involved in building your online presence. The more detailed your list, the better! Here are some ideas:

  • Create content (blog posts, videos)
  • Promote existing content on social media
  • Network with other bloggers/influencers who have similar audiences and interests as yours so that they can promote your work too! This can be done through commenting on each other’s blogs or sharing each other’s posts on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. If there aren’t any bloggers doing what you do yet but would like to collaborate with someone who has an audience similar to yours then consider creating something together (like a video). You could also ask them if they would review one of your products or services.

Choose the social media platforms that are best for you.

It’s time to choose the social media platforms that are best for you and your business.

  • Choose a platform that is best for your business:
  • Does your target audience use it?
  • Is it easy to use? Are there helpful tools and resources available on the platform (e.g., how-to videos)?
  • How many people are already using this platform in your field/industry–and how popular is it with other businesses like yours?
  • Choose a platform that you enjoy using:
  • Do you like being able to share information in real time, or do you prefer posting once daily or weekly instead? If so, which one(s) work best for this kind of communication style–and why?

Identify the goals you want to meet on each platform.

Identify the goals you want to meet on each platform.

Make sure your goals are clear, specific and measurable. Your goal should be something like “I want 100 new followers in one month” or “I want my blog post about [topic] to get at least 1,000 views”. The more specific you can be with your goals (i.e., “100 new followers” vs “100 people”), the better chance they have of being achieved!

Do some research on how to best use the tools available to you in each platform.

There are many different tools available to use on each platform. For example, Facebook and Instagram have different options for posting photos and videos. You need to know how best to use these tools in order to get the most out of them!

For example:

  • On Facebook, you can add hashtags by clicking “Add a Hashtag” under your post or video title (and then searching for one).
  • On Instagram, you can add hashtags by typing them into the comment section below your post or video caption (and then searching for one).

It’s important to be authentic and consistent across all platforms.

It’s important to be authentic and consistent across all platforms.

Don’t be afraid to learn new things, ask for help, or make mistakes. You’re only human! If you have fun along the way then that’s even better!

Create an overall strategy for your digital marketing efforts and ensure that each platform supports this strategy.

A strong online presence is a great way to attract new customers. But it’s important that you create an overall strategy for your digital marketing efforts and ensure that each platform supports this strategy.

If you don’t have an overall strategy, then your efforts will be disorganized and ineffective. You need to be able to look at all of the different things that you are doing on social media, email newsletters and other platforms as part of one cohesive plan–a cohesive plan based on your goals, audience and budget!

A strong online presence will help grow your business

Your online presence is the first thing that people see when they’re looking at your business. It’s what will get them to click on the link in their search engine results, or visit your website. And if they don’t like what they see, it could turn them away from you forever.

A strong online presence helps grow your business by:

  • Helping you reach new customers who are searching for products like yours online
  • Building trust with existing customers so they feel comfortable buying from you again in the future (and recommending others)


The key to building a strong online presence is to understand your goals. You need to know what you want from each platform and how it will help grow your business. Once you have this information, it should be easy for you to choose the right social media platforms and use them effectively in order to reach those goals.