October 19, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Marketing & Advertising Sustainability

Marketing & Advertising Sustainability


Marketing and advertising is an incredibly powerful industry. It’s the driving force behind everything from product development to business growth, and it plays a key role in shaping consumer behavior, purchasing decisions, and brand loyalty. For example, when you see a billboard on your way home from work or commercials on TV promoting a new product or service, you might not realize that these marketing strategies are designed to influence your feelings and actions in order to get you to buy something. Now that we’re all aware of how influential marketing can be (thanks for asking!), we also know that it has its downsides too—namely environmental impacts such as pollution and waste production. But don’t worry! You can create an effective marketing strategy that’s both sustainable AND effective by following some simple steps:

Marketing & Advertising Sustainability

Why marketing and advertising sustainability matters

Marketing and advertising sustainability matters because it’s good for the environment. Sustainability helps protect our planet, communities and economy from harmful effects of climate change and other environmental hazards.

Marketing and advertising sustainability also matters because it’s good for your business: A sustainable strategy can help companies build stronger brands, attract new customers and differentiate themselves in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

What is marketing and advertising sustainability?

Sustainability is the concept of using marketing and advertising to create positive social and environmental change. Marketing sustainability includes the use of sustainable materials, renewable energy sources, reducing waste and recycling.

It’s important to note that sustainability isn’t just about saving money or being environmentally friendly; it’s also about doing good while you do well by making sure your company has a positive impact on society through its products or services.

How can you create a marketing and advertising strategy that’s sustainable?

  • Use renewable energy.
  • Use recycled materials.
  • Reduce waste.
  • Don’t use toxic chemicals, and if you do, make sure they’re recycled or biodegradable! And if you can’t figure out whether something is toxic or not, don’t use it! That’s why we have these guides: The Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Database and the Center for Health & Environment’s Healthy Living Guide both have lists of toxic ingredients to avoid in your beauty products (and other stuff). They also have more information about what makes an ingredient harmful so that you can make informed decisions when making purchases in stores or online.*

Don’t use paper products like napkins, tissues and toilet paper because trees grow on trees (duh) but also because they take up space in landfills that could be used by people who need homes instead.*

Don’t buy plastic bottles of water or soda because then those bottles will just end up clogging our oceans forever which means no one will ever swim again ever ever everrrr unless someone fixes it first which won’t happen until after everyone dies from cancer caused by all those tiny plastic beads floating around everywhere so maybe think twice before buying another bottle next time?

What are the benefits of a sustainable marketing and advertising strategy?

Sustainable marketing and advertising is the key to increasing your business’s bottom line.

When you create a sustainable marketing strategy, you get:

  • Increased brand awareness. The more people who are aware of your product or service, the more likely they are to purchase it. This means more sales for your company!
  • Increased customer loyalty. When customers feel like they’re being treated well and given respect by companies, they’ll want to stay loyal to those brands. This can lead directly back into increased sales!
  • An increase in value for your business (and maybe even some nice bonuses). By making sure all aspects of your company–from products made by workers earning fair wages all the way down through policy decisions made at board meetings–are aligned with its stated values and mission statement(s), people will notice how different things are done around here compared with other places where nothing gets done right anyway so why bother trying? And since those things affect everything else about how we operate as an organization…

Creating a sustainable marketing and advertising strategy is an effective way to help maintain the health of our planet.

Sustainability is a hot topic, and for good reason. There are many reasons why marketers should be concerned about sustainability:

  • It’s the right thing to do
  • It can help you attract customers who care about the environment
  • It improves your brand image and reputation in the eyes of consumers


Marketing and advertising sustainability is a topic that’s gaining momentum, and there are many ways to implement it into your work. If you’re ready to make a change in your company’s approach to marketing, we encourage you to consider these ideas as well as any others that might fit with your specific needs. The most important thing is that you start somewhere–and get in touch with us if we can help!