October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Leave Your Legacy On Planet Earth: The Essentials Of Environmental Sustainability

Leave Your Legacy On Planet Earth: The Essentials Of Environmental Sustainability


Sustainability is more than just a trend. It’s a way to be more efficient and to create lasting value in the world. There are many ways you can incorporate sustainable business practices into your company, including reviewing your business model, creating a culture of sustainability and measuring your progress as you go along. Here are some essential steps for making sure your business is doing its part for Mother Earth.

Leave Your Legacy On Planet Earth: The Essentials Of Environmental Sustainability

What are sustainable business practices?

Sustainable business practices are the key to a healthy and vibrant planet, as well as a prosperous economy. They help you and your employees by:

  • Reducing pollution, waste and carbon emissions
  • Conserving natural resources (e.g., water)
  • Protecting wildlife habitats by reducing or eliminating deforestation or habitat degradation (e.g., mining)

The principles of sustainability.

Sustainability is about creating a balance between people and the planet.

Sustainable business practices are good for the planet, and they are good for your bottom line.

Sustainability is not a trend; it’s a new way of doing business that has been around since humans first walked on Earth over 100,000 years ago!

Review your business model.

The business model is the foundation of your company. It’s how you make money, and it determines how much of an impact your company has on the environment, people, and community. For example:

  • If all goods are produced locally, then less fuel needs to be used in transportation.
  • If there are fewer packaging materials used per item sold (like plastic bags), then waste will be reduced.
  • If employees are treated well and paid fairly for their work then they will feel more dedicated to their jobs which makes them more productive and leads to less turnover rate which saves money on replacing staff members who leave due to low morale or poor working conditions

Create a culture of sustainability.

You can create a culture of sustainability by:

  • Establishing goals and objectives for your company. These should include measurable targets, such as reducing carbon emissions or improving water conservation efforts.
  • Communicating those goals to employees so that everyone understands their role in achieving them.
  • Providing training on best practices for achieving those objectives and providing incentives for doing so (e.g., bonus pay).

Measure your progress, then do more.

You can measure your progress by tracking the following:

  • Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2e). This is the most common and well-known metric for measuring sustainability, as it allows you to compare your company’s impact with that of others.
  • Water consumption. If you are using a lot of water, then it’s important that you understand where this is coming from so that efforts can be made to reduce consumption or improve efficiency in using water resources.

Sustainable business practices are good for the planet, and they are good for your bottom line.

If you’re a business owner, it’s important to understand the benefits of sustainable business practices.

  • Sustainable business practices are good for the planet. They help reduce pollution and protect natural resources, which means less harm done to our Earth and its inhabitants. This includes humans and animals alike!
  • Sustainable businesses have better financial results than their non-sustainable counterparts. For example, one study found that companies with strong sustainability programs outperformed those without them by 24{b863a6bd8bb7bf417a957882dff2e3099fc2d2367da3e445e0ec93769bd9401c} in terms of market value over time.[1] Another study showed that companies with strong environmental policies saw increased sales growth compared with their peers.[2] These findings apply not just to large corporations but also small businesses as well.[3]


Sustainability is a journey, not a destination. The more you understand about how your business operates and how it impacts the environment, the better prepared you’ll be to make changes that will make it more sustainable. We hope this article has given you some useful insights into the basics of sustainability and how they can apply to your business or organization!