October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

How We Helped A Business Partner With Third-Party Security.

How We Helped A Business Partner With Third-Party Security.


When a business partner reaches out to us, they expect our team to be knowledgeable, capable and ready to help. Unfortunately, security is often overlooked in small businesses. Small businesses are more vulnerable to cyber threats than their larger counterparts. We had been working with our client for quite some time and were planning on moving forward together with an expansion of their business. The third-party security provider that the client was using did not have the capability to integrate with our systems, making it difficult for us to share data between our platforms. We had three options at this point: find another third-party provider, find a way to integrate ourselves or build something custom in-house. We decided that we could make use of our own internal team to develop the integration needed between our platforms, saving money and keeping everything in-house where it belonged

How We Helped A Business Partner With Third-Party Security.

When a business partner reaches out to us, they expect our team to be knowledgeable, capable and ready to help.

When an organization reaches out to us, they expect our team to be knowledgeable, capable and ready to help. We want to make sure that we live up to those expectations. Our third-party security services can help businesses protect their data and assets by providing thorough audits and assessments of their existing systems before they’re compromised by hackers.

If you need assistance with your third-party security needs, contact us today!

Unfortunately, security is often overlooked in small businesses.

Unfortunately, security is often overlooked in small businesses. While larger corporations have the resources and manpower to invest in third-party security measures, small businesses are more vulnerable to cyber threats because they don’t have the same level of protection as their larger counterparts.

Small businesses have a lot on their plate: they need to make sure that they meet financial goals while also providing great customer service and maintaining an efficient working environment for employees. Unfortunately, this can mean that security isn’t always a priority–and when it comes down to choosing between investing money into new equipment or hiring more employees (or even just paying yourself), it’s easy for small business owners to prioritize other things over investing in third-party security measures like cloud storage services.

Small businesses are more vulnerable to cyber threats than their larger counterparts.

We recently worked with a business partner to help them improve their third-party security.

The reason we’re doing this is because small businesses are more vulnerable to cyber threats than their larger counterparts, and they can’t afford the same level of protection. Small businesses have fewer resources and may not be able to hire an IT staff or purchase costly software solutions. This means that if you’re working with a small business, your customer’s systems might be more complex than those at larger organizations–and therefore potentially more susceptible to attacks by hackers looking for easy targets in order to steal data or cause damage.

Additionally, because smaller companies often don’t have dedicated IT specialists on staff who are trained in cybersecurity best practices (or even general computer literacy), they tend not only lack awareness around security issues but also aren’t aware when something has happened until it’s too late!

We had been working with our client for quite some time and were planning on moving forward together with an expansion of their business.

We had been working with our client for quite some time and were planning on moving forward together with an expansion of their business. They had a third-party security provider that we couldn’t integrate with, so we decided to help them find another solution.

The third-party security provider that the client was using did not have the capability to integrate with our systems, making it difficult for us to share data between our platforms.

The third-party security provider that the client was using did not have the capability to integrate with our systems, making it difficult for us to share data between our platforms.

This meant that we needed to find a solution that would allow us to share data between our platforms.

We had three options at this point: find another third-party provider, find a way to integrate ourselves or build something custom in-house.

We had three options at this point: find another third-party provider, find a way to integrate ourselves or build something custom in-house.

The first option was easy enough; we could have just found another third-party provider that integrated with our existing systems and moved on with our lives. But there were some issues with this approach: First, it would mean trusting someone else with the security of your data–something we didn’t want to do again after what happened with the first partner. Second, if we did decide to go down this road again (and I’m sure you can guess where this is going), there’d be no guarantee that another breach wouldn’t occur again sometime in the future either through human error or malicious intent on behalf of whoever was providing us with security services next time around. And lastly, even if we did find another company willing and able enough to provide adequate protection without charge (which seems unlikely), there would still needlessly be two sets of redundant tools being used across multiple platforms–one set belonging solely within each system itself while simultaneously being mirrored by another set belonging externally elsewhere outside both systems altogether…

We decided that we could make use of our own internal team to develop the integration needed between our platforms, saving money and keeping everything in-house where it belonged.

As we discussed the project, it became clear that we could make use of our own internal team to develop the integration needed between our platforms, saving money and keeping everything in-house where it belonged. This was important since we value security above all else–and third-party developers tend not to have as much control over their code as an organization does for its own systems.

Security is a big deal when you’re working with partners!

Security is a big deal when you’re working with partners!

It’s important to have a third-party provider that can integrate with your systems and help keep your data safe. We had to find a way to integrate ourselves or build something custom in-house, but we didn’t want to do either of those things.


In the end, we were able to develop a custom integration between our platforms that saved money and kept everything in-house where it belonged. This is just one example of how we can help your business grow by providing solutions tailored specifically towards your needs. If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help your company with third-party security or anything else related, please contact us today!