October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

How To Get Technology Adoption Across Your Office

How To Get Technology Adoption Across Your Office


You’ve spent hours poring over your company’s financials. You’ve analyzed the latest industry trends and strategized how to incorporate that into your business. But what if you could save yourself some time by automating some of those tasks? What if you could use technology to make life easier for yourself and those around you? In this post, we’ll explore the steps needed for technology adoption across an organization.

How To Get Technology Adoption Across Your Office

Make it easy to understand.

When you’re trying to get your employees on board with a new technology, it’s important to make sure they understand the benefits of using it. If they don’t see any value in the new tech, they won’t use it–and if no one uses it, then what’s the point?

To avoid this problem of employee apathy, take time during your training sessions or meetings with them (or even just casually) so that employees can ask questions about how things work and what exactly is expected from them. Make sure not only that everyone knows how their specific job will change thanks to this new system but also that everyone has an idea of how those changes affect other departments within the company as well as outside partners who work with yours regularly (like clients).

Start with your team.

Start with your team.

It’s important to get buy-in from the people who are going to be using the new technology, so it’s a good idea to start by getting them excited about what you want to do and how they can benefit from it. Try not to push too hard or make demands; just let people know that you’re thinking about how technology could make their job easier, and see where it goes from there.

If anyone seems reluctant or unsure of their role in this process, try giving them some time off work so they can think clearly about what needs doing (this is particularly useful if someone has recently taken on extra responsibilities). If someone isn’t convinced after that break–or if they never were convinced–it may be better for everyone involved if they leave anyway!

Show, don’t tell.

The best way to get people on board with new technology is to show them how it can be used. A lot of companies will say “we’re going to start using this tool from now on” and leave it at that, but that’s not enough. You need to demonstrate how this new tool will help them do their job better, or at least make their lives easier in some way. If something doesn’t make sense for your employees’ workflow (or if they don’t understand why they should use it), then there’s a good chance they’ll ignore it completely–and if no one uses the tool consistently across the office, then there will be no benefit whatsoever!

Even if someone is excited about using a new product or service, they may not know exactly how it would fit into their workflow or what benefit could come out of using such an application/service/etcetera.. This is why showing rather than telling works so well: It gives everyone an opportunity to see how something might work out before making any commitments or spending any money on something without knowing exactly what they’re getting themselves into first hand

Embrace failure.

You can’t learn if you don’t fail. And while failure is obviously not something we want to encourage, it’s just as important that we embrace it and take advantage of the lessons it teaches us.

When I was younger, I had this idea in my head that if I didn’t do something perfectly on the first try, then I was a failure. But really all this did was prevent me from trying new things at all because I didn’t want to feel like an idiot if they didn’t work out right away. If we don’t allow ourselves room for error–and by extension growth–we’ll never get anywhere!

Get executive buy-in.

Getting executive buy-in is the most important step to getting your office on board with technology. Executives have the power to make things happen and can help you get funding for projects, resources for projects and even help you find new ways to use technology in your day-to-day work.

Technology adoption is a process, but you can make it easier on yourself by starting small, getting initial feedback and working within your team’s comfort zone.

Technology adoption is a process, not a one-time event. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of new technology and forget that there are people behind all these devices who need to be on board with your plans for them. You can start small and grow from there, but it will take time before everyone gets comfortable with their new tools and begins using them regularly.

First, make sure you are asking for feedback from your team members about what works well and what doesn’t work so well when using their new tools (and don’t forget: if they’re not using it yet, ask them why). Your next step should be making some changes based on this feedback–maybe adding more training materials or changing where something appears on screen so it’s easier to find. Keep things simple while also trying out different approaches until everyone finds an approach that works best for them individually while contributing positively toward overall productivity goals within your organization


Technology adoption can be a stressful and frustrating process, but it doesn’t have to be. By keeping things simple and focusing on getting initial feedback from your team, you can make the adoption of new technology more manageable and less daunting. If you’re looking for ways to improve your office’s productivity or efficiency without spending too much money on new equipment; try some of these tips out and see how they work for you!