October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

How to build your fulfillment center for success

How to build your fulfillment center for success


When you think of a fulfillment center, you probably picture a large, high-tech warehouse with rows of robotic vehicles whizzing around. That’s certainly one type of fulfillment center—but there are many others. The success of your facility depends on choosing the right type for your business and designing it in such a way that it becomes an asset rather than a liability. Here are some tips to help ensure your facility is built on solid ground:

How to build your fulfillment center for success

Choose a location with easy access to major expressways and supply chain infrastructure.

Location is key. You need to be able to get your goods in and out quickly, as well as get them to market, customers and suppliers. Choose a location with easy access to major expressways and supply chain infrastructure so that you can move products quickly through your fulfillment center.

Manage the flow of goods through your facility.

To minimize time and cost, you need to manage the flow of goods through your facility. This means that when a customer places an order, it should be processed immediately so that inventory can be replenished and shipped as quickly as possible. The goal is to get products into customers’ hands as soon as possible at the lowest cost possible.

To do this, you need to make sure that everything is organized properly in each section of your warehouse or distribution center (DC). You also want all equipment used throughout these areas easy-to-use and well maintained so there aren’t any delays caused by broken equipment or poor workflow organization among employees working there–or worse yet, count errors due to poor communication between departments!

Maximize space by using multi-level racks and implementing automated storage and retrieval systems.

Multi-level racks are more efficient than single-level racks, because they allow you to store more items in the same amount of space. They also make it easier for employees to identify and retrieve products quickly, which reduces labor costs and improves efficiency.

Automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) can help you maximize your warehouse space by allowing you to store products at a higher density than would otherwise be possible with traditional manual methods. ASRS systems include conveyor belts that move products from one place in the warehouse or between multiple warehouses; robotic arms that pick up items from storage shelves; and automated guided vehicles (AGVs), which transport goods around a facility on predetermined routes without human intervention–allowing workers’ time be used more efficiently elsewhere

Choose the right building design to meet your exact needs.

The wrong building design can cause problems with your fulfillment center operations. Choosing the right building design for your specific needs is crucial to ensuring that you have a successful operation, and it’s important to choose wisely before building begins.

The first thing you need to consider is whether or not you should build from scratch or purchase an existing facility. If you’re starting out as an Amazon seller or if your business is still small, purchasing an existing facility may be more cost-effective than building one from scratch–but if your operation grows quickly (and there’s no reason why it shouldn’t!), then getting started with a new structure could save money in the long run by reducing maintenance costs over time because there won’t be any wear-and-tear on the building itself.

Next comes choosing between different types of buildings based on their size requirements: Do I need something big enough just for myself? Or do I want something bigger so I can grow my business later down the line? You also need think about how much space each employee will require; this will help determine how many people are needed during peak hours at different periods throughout each year (for example: Christmas versus summer vacations).

Design the right building layout for your fulfillment center operation.

When designing your fulfillment center, you’ll want to carefully consider the layout of your building. There are several factors that should be taken into account when determining a suitable layout for your operation, including:

  • Space utilization–The goal is to use as much space as possible without wasting any. This means locating equipment and materials in areas where they can be easily accessed by employees and customers alike, while also ensuring that they are easy on footpaths so no one has trouble moving around inside of your warehouse or facility.
  • Cost efficiency–The cost of building materials and labor varies from region to region; therefore it’s important that you build according to local standards instead of trying something exotic (and expensive) just because it sounds cool! You should also look into whether there are any tax incentives available in order reduce construction costs further down the line once everything has been completed

Consider onsite amenities that will make it easier to attract employees, including restrooms, showers and break rooms.

  • Consider onsite amenities that will make it easier to attract employees, including restrooms, showers and break rooms.
  • If you’re building a fulfillment center in an area where there isn’t much of a local workforce, you may have to consider providing some of these amenities yourself. This can be expensive but can also help build your brand recognition with potential hires who may not otherwise consider working at your company if they don’t see the value in such perks as free coffee or snacks.

A well-constructed fulfillment center can help businesses realize greater success.

A well-constructed fulfillment center can help businesses realize greater success. It’s not just about the physical structure of your warehouse, though; it’s also about how you design and use your space to make sure that you’re operating as efficiently as possible.

A poorly designed facility can lead to slowed or delayed shipments, which will harm customer satisfaction and ultimately hinder profits. A well-designed fulfillment center can help you reduce costs while increasing productivity at the same time, which means more money in your pocket!

The most successful online retailers have made their mark by creating an excellent customer experience across all channels–including shipping times and packaging options–and having an efficient operation behind it all is key for keeping customers happy (and coming back).


As you can see, there are many factors to consider when building a fulfillment center. It’s important that your facility has easy access to major expressways and supply chain infrastructure, as well as adequate space for storage and retrieval systems. You also need to consider amenities like restrooms, showers and break rooms–these will make it easier for employees to work hard every day! When planning your next project or expansion, we recommend contacting an expert in this area who can help guide you through each step of the process so that nothing falls through the cracks (like forgetting about those pesky permits).