October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

How Resource Efficiency Can Improve Businesses’ Bottom Lines

How Resource Efficiency Can Improve Businesses’ Bottom Lines


Resource efficiency is a key part of sustainable development. The world has finite resources and we need to use them carefully if we are going to sustain the growth of human populations, businesses and economies into the future. This means that resource efficiency should be an important factor in any business strategy and there are many ways that effective resource management can improve your bottom line:

How Resource Efficiency Can Improve Businesses’ Bottom Lines

Waste minimisation

Waste minimisation is often a key component of resource efficiency, but it can be difficult to know where to start. The first step is to identify areas where you use resources and then work out how much waste is produced by that activity. Once you have identified your sources of waste, there are several ways in which they can be reduced:

  • Reduce the amount of resources being used by eliminating unnecessary processes or products. For example, if your business doesn’t need paper copies anymore because everything is stored digitally, switch over completely and stop printing documents altogether! This will save both time and money as well as preventing unnecessary consumption (and disposal) of natural resources like trees or water bottles – two things we definitely don’t want our planet running out of any time soon!
  • Reduce the amount of waste at source by making sure employees follow proper procedures when disposing materials such as food scraps or hazardous chemicals (or anything else!). It’s also important not only educate yourself but also others about proper recycling practices so everyone knows what goes where so nothing gets thrown away accidentally–which happens more often than people realize!

Resource efficiency in buildings

In buildings, resource efficiency can be achieved by reducing waste, energy consumption and water use. Reducing landfill waste is also a key component of building sustainability.

  • Reduce waste: By minimizing the amount of materials that are purchased and then disposed or recycled (or both), businesses can reduce their carbon emissions while saving money on unnecessary expenses like packaging or shipping costs.
  • Reduce energy consumption: By switching to more efficient lighting systems and installing solar panels on rooftops, businesses can not only save money but also help protect the environment by reducing their carbon footprint.

Innovation through resource efficiency

Innovation is a key driver of business growth, and resource efficiency can be a source of innovation. For example, Apple’s iPhone X uses glass instead of metal for its rear casing, which reduces the weight of the phone by more than 10{b863a6bd8bb7bf417a957882dff2e3099fc2d2367da3e445e0ec93769bd9401c}. This innovation has allowed Apple to create a smaller device with similar battery life as previous models without sacrificing any functionality or usability.

Another example comes from automotive manufacturing: Ford Motor Company has developed new methods for manufacturing vehicles that use less energy, water and materials while reducing waste by up to 90{b863a6bd8bb7bf417a957882dff2e3099fc2d2367da3e445e0ec93769bd9401c}. These innovations have reduced costs by more than $1 billion per year since 2011–and they’re also helping Ford meet its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from operations by 50{b863a6bd8bb7bf417a957882dff2e3099fc2d2367da3e445e0ec93769bd9401c} by 2030 (compared with 2005 levels).

Resource efficiency in manufacturing and industry

Resource efficiency is a key driver of business success. It can help you:

  • Reduce costs and waste, which are two of the biggest drains on your bottom line.
  • Increase productivity, which means more money in your pocket at the end of the day.
  • Improve profits by increasing sales while reducing overhead expenses like energy bills or raw materials costs (like paper).

Better resource efficiency in construction

While the construction industry is often viewed as a major contributor to environmental degradation, it can be a leader in resource efficiency. The sector has an opportunity to reduce its impact on the planet by reducing waste, using fewer resources and labour hours, using less energy and transport.

The benefits of better resource management include:

  • Reduced need for new materials – less landfill waste; higher recycling rates; reduced use of virgin materials (e.g., timber). This reduces greenhouse gas emissions associated with extraction or manufacturing processes. It also reduces air pollution from mining activities such as coal burning if you’re using recycled material instead of coal-fired power stations!
  • Reduced need for labour – fewer workers needed means less traffic congestion on our roads because fewer trucks need transporting around town every day too!

Resource efficiency can transform businesses.

Resource efficiency can transform businesses.

It’s a key driver of economic growth and an important competitive advantage. It improves business performance, enabling organizations to grow and create jobs. As such, resource efficiency is not just about doing the right thing–it’s about doing what’s best for your bottom line as well.


In Australia, we’re at a crossroads. We can continue to rely on our natural resources and the cheap energy they provide us, or we can embrace the future and realise that there are better ways to do things. The benefits of resource efficiency are clear and proven–it improves profitability by reducing costs, increases competitiveness through reduced dependence on foreign imports, reduces emissions because it cuts down on waste products such as greenhouse gases from manufacturing facilities or carbon dioxide emissions from power plants burning fossil fuels (which also means cleaner air!). Resource efficiency is also good for society: it creates jobs in renewable energy industries like solar panels manufacture while reducing pollution levels associated with traditional coal burning power plants.