October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

How Long-Term Thinking Can Create Global Change

How Long-Term Thinking Can Create Global Change


Long-term thinking is not a natural tendency. It is something that we have to train ourselves to do. It’s not easy, but it’s an important skill for any businessperson who wants to create lasting change and have real impact with the work that they do. This article will explore the benefits of long-term thinking when applied to sustainability and how it can help businesses in more ways than one!

How Long-Term Thinking Can Create Global Change

Sustainable design

Sustainable design is a concept that has been around for a while, but it’s only recently that we’re seeing its importance in action. In essence, sustainable design means designing for the long term–not just the short-term needs of today or tomorrow.

It involves taking into account environmental factors such as climate change and resource scarcity when creating products and services. It also means considering social and economic factors like labor rights, fair wages for workers around the world (including those who make our products), how we can create jobs locally instead of outsourcing them overseas where labor costs are cheaper; or whether there are ways we can reduce waste produced by our business so less materials needlessly get thrown away at end-of-life stages (i.e., recycling).

Finally, it includes thinking about how our decisions affect future generations’ ability to live on this planet without destroying its natural resources through overuse or pollution caused by manufacturing processes used today.”

Environmental management

Environmental management is an ongoing process that involves constant evaluation and improvement. It’s not something you do once, then forget about until the next time you need to get a permit or renew your lease. Instead, environmental management is a way of ensuring that your business is operating in an environmentally responsible manner.

Environmental management can be summed up as follows: identify problems before they happen; anticipate issues before they become problems; prevent potential problems from occurring by taking proactive steps like minimizing waste and recycling materials instead of throwing them away (which creates more waste).

Water conservation

  • Use less water. It’s a simple idea, but it can have a big impact on our planet. The International Water Association estimates that we use about 1/3 of the world’s total freshwater supply each year (1). That number will continue to grow as the population increases and climate change leads to drought conditions in many areas of the world.
  • Use water more efficiently. If you’re in an area where there is plenty of water available, try using less–even if it means changing your habits or learning how to use more efficient appliances such as washing machines, toilets and showers.* Replace water with other products: Instead of using tap or bottled water for everything from brushing teeth to washing clothes (or even cleaning dishes), consider alternatives like dish soap instead of hand soap (which typically comes out at least 10 times as much), cloth napkins instead of paper towels (which uses less energy) or even reusable bags instead of plastic grocery bags!

Energy conservation

Energy conservation is about reducing energy consumption. It’s also about making better use of the energy you have, so that you can save money and reduce your impact on the environment.

A few simple steps can make a big difference: turning off lights when they’re not needed; switching off appliances at the wall when they aren’t being used; using power strips to turn off multiple devices at once; unplugging chargers from their wall sockets when they’re finished charging; washing clothes in cold water instead of warm or hot water (which uses more energy); keeping windows closed during cold weather so heat doesn’t escape through them–and opening them during hot weather to let cool air in!

Waste reduction

The next time you’re in the supermarket, take a moment to look at all the packaging on your food. What do you see? Are there plastic bags? Plastic bottles? Foams? Glass containers? If so, then this is an area where you can make a difference by reducing waste!

Reduce waste by using less materials or by using materials that are easier to recycle or reuse. For example:

  • Buy fresh fruits and vegetables instead of pre-packaged ones (fruit salads also tend to taste better).
  • Use reusable shopping bags instead of plastic ones (you can even get them for free sometimes).
  • Bring your own water bottle instead of buying disposable ones from stores–or better yet, bring one with you wherever you go so that no matter where life takes us next we’ll always have access to clean drinking water!

Long-term thinking can make a big difference.

Long-term thinking can make a big difference.

The ability to think long-term is one of the most important skills for effective leaders because it helps you make better decisions, take action and create positive change in your organization or community. Long-term thinking is not only about planning for the future; it’s also about understanding how what we do today will affect tomorrow. It requires us to change our perspective on time so that instead of focusing on short-term wins and losses (or even hours), we start looking at years or decades ahead when making decisions that affect our organizations, communities and families alike


Long-term thinking can create big changes. We’ve seen it happen in our own lives and seen it happen around the world. It’s up to us to keep pushing for change so that we can all enjoy a better future!