October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Guide to Measuring and Reporting Sustainability Efforts

Guide to Measuring and Reporting Sustainability Efforts


The business world is changing. More and more, companies are making it a priority to be sustainable. It’s not just about the environment anymore; it’s about saving money, boosting employee morale and increasing profits. That’s why measuring and reporting on sustainable practices is so important for companies who want to hire top talent, build trust with their customers and investors, or stay competitive in an increasingly global marketplace—not to mention do good for the planet!

Guide to Measuring and Reporting Sustainability Efforts


Sustainability is a broad term that can mean many things, depending on who you ask. In general, it refers to the ability of an organization or system to meet its needs while preserving resources for future generations.

For business leaders who are serious about sustainability, measuring and reporting on sustainable business practices is essential for making decisions about how they do business in their organizations. For example:

  • If you want your company’s supply chain to be more environmentally friendly, it helps to know what percentage of your current materials are recycled or renewable–and which ones aren’t. Then you can work toward increasing the percentage over time until 100{b863a6bd8bb7bf417a957882dff2e3099fc2d2367da3e445e0ec93769bd9401c} of those materials are recycled/renewable (or at least as close as possible). This also applies if your goal is reducing emissions from manufacturing plants by using cleaner energy sources like solar power instead of burning coal or natural gas; again, knowing exactly how much pollution comes out of each plant will help determine where best place might be located on site-specific basis so we don’t put them too close together.”

Why should my business report on sustainability?

Reporting on sustainability is a great way to show your commitment to the cause, and it’s also an excellent way to communicate your goals with stakeholders. It will also help you measure and track progress towards those goals. Reporting allows you to identify new opportunities for improvement, which can lead to better results in the future.

What does it take to measure and report on your sustainability efforts?

  • What does it do?
  • How do you measure it?
  • What are the best practices for reporting on your sustainability efforts?

How can I get started with measuring and reporting?

  • Use a sustainability reporting tool.
  • Use a sustainability dashboard.
  • Use a sustainability management system (SMS).
  • Use a sustainability reporting software or system, like Sustainability Dashboard Pro by Green Business Signals Inc., which can help companies assess their performance in key areas such as waste management, energy use and water conservation over time so they can make informed decisions about how best to improve it further going forward

Which metrics are the most important for my business?

The metrics that are the most important for your business will depend on what you’re trying to achieve. If your goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, then measuring and reporting those efforts is key. But if it’s about increasing profits or improving employee satisfaction, then those types of measures may be more useful.

Metrics should also be chosen carefully because they can provide insight into how well sustainability efforts are working over time–or not working at all! There are many different ways to measure sustainability goals; some businesses focus on a single metric while others measure several different ones simultaneously. In order for any measurement system (whether it’s one or many) to work effectively, it must be understood by everyone involved so that everyone knows what data needs collecting and why those numbers matter so much in terms of achieving long-term goals like increased profitability or reduced waste/energy consumption rates per unit produced/sold etcetera…

What are the benefits of measuring and reporting on sustainable business practices?

  • It helps you to find opportunities for improvement.
  • It helps you to benchmark against other companies in your industry.
  • It helps you to identify your strengths and weaknesses, so that you can focus on improving the areas where you’re weaker or less efficient than other organizations in your sector.
  • Reporting on sustainability efforts will help your customers and employees better understand how they can support those efforts, which in turn can lead to increased loyalty and sales growth over time.

Measuring and reporting is an important part of a company’s commitment to sustainability.

Measuring and reporting is an important part of a company’s commitment to sustainability. It helps the company track its progress, set goals for future improvement, and identify areas for improvement.


Measuring and reporting on your sustainability efforts is an important part of a company’s commitment to sustainability. It allows you to measure how well you’re doing and identify areas where you can improve. It also helps others understand the impact of their actions on the environment, so that everyone can work together towards a better future!