October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Employee Self-Service: Best Practices for Workforce Transformation

Employee Self-Service: Best Practices for Workforce Transformation


Digital transformation has completely changed the way we do business. With the rise of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, employees have more access to their company’s data than ever before. In fact, according to a recent study by Gallup, nearly half of all employees now use their personal cell phones or other devices for work purposes at least once per week—and that number is expected to grow.

What does this mean for HR professionals? It’s time to rethink how you engage with your employees! That’s why I’m here: to help you understand what self-service means for workforce transformation and how it could change your company’s future. Ready? Let’s get started!

Employee Self-Service: Best Practices for Workforce Transformation

Get Your Employees On-Board

Employees are the most important asset of any company. They are the ones who will be using new tools and systems, so it’s critical that they understand the benefits of digital transformation.

Employee Self-Service (ESS) is a foundational technology for workforce transformation, but it can only succeed if employees are on board with the idea and buy into its vision. So how do you get them there? Here are some best practices:

Develop a Strategic Approach to Digital Transformation

First, you need to define the problem. What do you want to achieve with your workforce transformation? Do you want to increase productivity and employee satisfaction? How does it affect the bottom line?

How about setting goals for yourself before starting on a solution? It’s important that these are tangible and measurable (if not immediately then at least over time). For example: “I want my employees’ health insurance premiums reduced by 15{b863a6bd8bb7bf417a957882dff2e3099fc2d2367da3e445e0ec93769bd9401c} within 6 months.” Or perhaps: “I want my organization’s mobility rate among remote workers increased by 10{b863a6bd8bb7bf417a957882dff2e3099fc2d2367da3e445e0ec93769bd9401c} within 3 months.”

Use a Holistic Approach to Workforce Transformation

  • Use a holistic approach to workforce transformation.
  • Employee engagement is a key factor in successful workforce transformation.
  • Employee engagement is a high level of commitment to the organization’s goals and objectives, as well as an emotional attachment that goes beyond simply doing one’s job well.

Focus on Employee Experience and Implicit Learning

The employee experience is everything. It’s the only thing that matters when it comes to your company’s success, and it’s what separates great companies from good ones.

When you think about your employees, they’re not just numbers; they’re people with lives and families who want a fulfilling career at your company–and possibly even more than that! They want to feel like they’re making an impact on the world, so give them tools that help them do so by providing an intuitive interface for completing their tasks without feeling like they’ve been bogged down by bureaucracy or red tape (or worse yet: manual processes).

Don’t just think about how much time it takes for an employee to complete a task; think about how much happier he or she will be when doing so!

Integrate Self-Service Tools into HR Systems

Integrating self-service tools into HR systems is a best practice for workforce transformation. When you integrate self-service tools into the employee experience, you can also improve your business processes and reduce costs by reducing the need for manual work and processing.

Make Self-Service Accessible on Any Device

Employees should be able to access self-service tools from any device. Today, employees are more mobile than ever before and they want to be able to access their self-service tools on the go–from home, work or even while traveling. The more accessible your employee self-service platform is, the better your chances of success will be in delivering a positive experience for your workforce.

Don’t Forget About Security and Privacy Concerns

Security and privacy are important to your employees, but they’re not the same thing. Security ensures that data is safe from unauthorized access, while privacy ensures that it’s protected from inappropriate use or disclosure. When you’re thinking about how to implement self-service solutions in your organization, keep these concepts in mind.

The first step toward addressing security concerns is developing a clear policy that outlines what information will be accessible through self-service features (and where) as well as who has access rights and how those rights are granted or revoked. This can help you address potential issues before they become problems for your workforce–and for yourself!

Digital transformation is changing the way employees interact with their employers.

Employee self-service and automation have become the norm in most organizations. Employees are demanding more of their employers, and digital transformation is quickly changing the way they interact with their employers.

Employees want to be able to access their benefits information at any time, from anywhere. They also want more transparency about how their benefits are being used and what’s covered by them (e.g., prescription drugs). In addition, employees want more control over how they receive this information–whether it be through an app or on a website–and when they get it (e.g., once a year versus monthly). Finally, employees expect flexibility around how they work; some may prefer telecommuting while others may choose working from home two days per week instead of four days per week at an office location near where you live now but would rather move closer to friends in another city where housing costs less than where you currently live today but still drive 45 minutes each way every day just because that’s what everyone else does here which seems crazy right?


Employee self-service is an essential component of digital transformation. It helps organizations improve their employee experience, increase productivity and engagement, and make better use of their human capital. The best way to achieve these goals is through a holistic approach that includes tools like HR portals and chatbots.