October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Effective Access Control Makes You More Secure

Effective Access Control Makes You More Secure


You’ve heard the term “access control” a million times, but what does it really mean? And why should you care? Access control is the process of granting or restricting access to physical and computer-based resources, such as data systems or buildings. In many ways, access control is a security measure because it makes sure that only authorized people can enter certain areas or use certain devices. While many organizations rely on an employee ID card system for access control, this method doesn’t always work well in today’s interconnected world because there are so many ways hackers can get around them—like stealing someone else’s credentials by phishing them! That’s why we recommend implementing an effective access control system that uses biometric scanners instead of keycards: they’re more difficult to hack into and more effective at identifying who has entered your building than old-fashioned ID cards.

Effective Access Control Makes You More Secure

Why You Need Access Control

You need access control to protect your data. Access control helps you ensure that only authorized people can access your data, and that only authorized people can modify it. This is important because if an unauthorized person has access to or modifies your data, it could cause problems for you and/or other users in many ways:

  • They may be able to steal sensitive information (such as login credentials) from the system.
  • They may be able to use the application in ways that were not intended by its creators–for example, they could make changes or perform actions on behalf of another user without having been granted permission by this user first.

How to Pick the Right Access Control System

The first thing to consider when choosing an access control system is whether or not it’s compatible with your existing infrastructure. If you’re using a certain type of security software or network infrastructure, make sure the new system is compatible with those as well.

For example, if you have a particular brand of fire alarm panel that works best with your building’s alarm system, then no matter how much more affordable another brand may be, it won’t do any good if they aren’t compatible with each other.

The Benefits of Access Control

Access control is a key part of a cybersecurity strategy. It helps you protect your data and improve security by enabling you to:

  • Comply with regulations–Access control can help you meet industry standards such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), or industry best practices like the NIST Cybersecurity Framework.
  • Save money–By reducing risk and eliminating unnecessary expenses, access control can save money for both small businesses and large enterprises alike in areas such as damage from cyberattacks, support costs for IT infrastructure management tools such as antivirus software licenses and security updates, lost productivity due to downtime caused by malware infections on workstations or servers…the list goes on!
  • Reduce risk–By installing an effective system of checks and balances at all levels of an organization’s network architecture (servers/workstations) through user authentication methods based upon biometric identification tools such as finger scans along with strong passwords (or passphrases) consisting entirely out of randomly generated letters/numbers rather than words found within any dictionary but still easy enough so that users won’t forget them easily while typing fast during login sessions every morning before work starts…you’ll find yourself feeling much safer knowing there aren’t any holes left open where someone could slip through unnoticed without anyone noticing until too late.”

Different Types of Access Control Systems

There are three main types of access control systems: biometric, proximity, and token-based systems. Each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses that make it more or less effective depending on your needs.

Biometrics refers to using physical characteristics like fingerprints or facial recognition to identify users. This is the most secure type of system because there’s no chance someone else can gain access by stealing credentials (like they could with a keycard). However, it also makes it difficult for people who have disabilities that prevent them from using their hands–or even those who just aren’t very tech savvy!

Proximity cards have been around since the early 1980s but are still popular today because they’re relatively inexpensive compared with other forms of identification technology while still being easy enough for anyone in your organization–whether young or old–to use effectively every day at work. The downside here is that if someone steals or copies one of these cards (which can happen), then everyone who has one will suddenly be able access restricted areas without authorization until new ones are issued out again.”

An effective access control system protects your data by controlling who has access to it.

An effective access control system protects your data by controlling who has access to it. In other words, it makes sure that only people who need to have access have it and that they can’t share or steal the information they are given with anyone else.

An effective access control system can be implemented in many different ways: some systems use passwords, while others use biometrics (fingerprint scanners or facial recognition technology) or even retina scans. The best way to keep your company safe is by implementing multiple layers of security so that even if one kind of protection fails for whatever reason, another will still keep out hackers and other unwanted intruders


Access control is a powerful tool for protecting your data, but it’s not the only one. You should also consider using encryption to protect your files from being read by anyone other than those who have been given access permissions. This will prevent unauthorized users from accessing your data even if they do manage to break into your system through other means like brute force attacks or social engineering techniques.