October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Disaster Recovery: How To Stay Resilient

Disaster Recovery: How To Stay Resilient


In this post, we’ll cover a few important steps that you can take to make your business more resilient and secure. By following these tips and strategies, you’ll be able to recover from a large-scale attack or natural disaster much faster than your competitors.

Disaster Recovery: How To Stay Resilient

The difference between disaster recovery and business continuity.

Before we dive into disaster recovery, let’s take a moment to define what it is and how it differs from business continuity. Business continuity is the practice of ensuring that your company can continue operating after a disruptive event such as a fire or flood. It involves developing plans for dealing with these types of events before they happen so that everyone knows what they’re supposed to do when disaster strikes.

Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is also sometimes known as Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP), but these terms are not interchangeable: BCP covers more than just recovering from disasters; rather, it includes all aspects of keeping your organization running smoothly even during times when things go wrong–like when employees get sick or injured at the office on Monday morning because they stayed up late partying over the weekend!

3 key principles of a good cybersecurity strategy.

3 key principles of a good cybersecurity strategy.

  • Identify your most critical systems. Identifying the most critical systems that need to be protected is step one in creating a cybersecurity strategy, especially if you’re looking for ways to get back up and running quickly after an incident. The more time you spend identifying these systems, the better prepared you’ll be when disaster strikes–and it will strike sometime, so make sure that whatever tools or processes you use are as reliable as possible!
  • Ensure that your systems are well protected. Once you’ve identified which parts of your business need protecting most urgently (and why), then it’s time for action: securing those areas with whatever measures make sense given their importance within the company’s overall operations and structure (more on this later). This includes things like hiring IT professionals who understand how cyberthreats work; investing in software solutions designed specifically with defense against attacks in mind; implementing strict policies regarding employee behavior online; etcetera ad infinitum ad nauseam…

How to create a backup plan for your data.

If you’re not backing up your data, now is the time to start. You can create a backup plan in a number of ways, but there are three main options:

  • Offsite storage
  • Cloud storage (iCloud, Google Drive)
  • Physical location (external hard drive or thumb drive)

How do you keep your employees on the same page during an attack?

In the event of an attack, it’s important that your employees know what to do. Make sure they are aware of the plan and understand its importance. If you can’t get in touch with them during an attack, make sure they know how to reach out for help and be able to explain their situation.

The best way to ensure that everyone knows what needs doing is through regular communication with them about how things will work in case of an emergency situation.

Disaster recovery is an essential part of any business’ security efforts, but it’s not always easy to set up or execute properly.

Disaster recovery is a part of business continuity, but it’s not the same thing. Disaster recovery is the process of restoring your data and systems after a disaster, while business continuity is all about preventing disasters from occurring in the first place–and then recovering from them when they do happen.

Businesses need to have both types of plans in place so that they can respond quickly if something goes wrong.


Disaster recovery is a complex topic with many moving parts. It can be difficult to keep all of these different pieces in mind at once, which is why it’s important for businesses to have a plan in place before an attack occurs. The key takeaway here is that disaster recovery requires both proactive planning ahead of time and quick action during an emergency situation.