October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning


Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning is an important part of any organization. When it comes to protecting your business, you need to have a plan in place before disaster strikes. A Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan will help you plan for all types of disasters, including natural disasters such as tornados or earthquakes and man-made catastrophes like fires or explosions. Having this plan in place will save time, money, and resources so that you can focus on rebuilding your organization once disaster strikes

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning

What does Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity look like for your organization?

A disaster recovery and business continuity plan is a document that outlines the steps your organization will take in the event of a disaster. It should be regularly reviewed and updated, as well as include a list of the data and systems that are most critical to the business.

A good DR/BCP plan includes:

  • A list of all critical infrastructure items (e.g., servers, network gear) with their locations (e.g., data center) and contact information for each item’s owner(s). This way you know who to contact if something goes wrong with one of these assets during an outage or disaster situation;
  • An inventory of all software applications used by your company–and which ones are mission-critical –as well as where each application resides on physical servers (or virtual machines) within your environment;

Why is Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity important?

Disaster recovery and business continuity planning is important for all businesses, large and small. Disasters can happen anytime, anywhere. They may be man-made or natural, large or small, local or global in scope. A disaster can affect one person or it could impact thousands of people at once.

Disasters can be caused by floods or fires; hurricanes or tornadoes; earthquakes; terrorism; acts of war (or even just “acts” in general). Any of these events can cause damage to your company’s property as well as its operations–and they might even put lives in danger! If you’re unprepared for these situations when they occur then there’s no telling how long it will take before normal operations resume again–or whether they ever will at all!

What are the benefits of having a Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plan in place?

When you have a disaster recovery and business continuity plan in place, your organization will be able to:

  • Recover quickly from a disaster. A DRP allows your organization to recover from all types of disasters, including natural disasters (like floods), cyberattacks, bomb threats or other threats that could disrupt operations at your facility.
  • Maintain business operations during an emergency or crisis situation. Your DRP should include detailed plans for how you’ll handle different types of disruptions so that employees can continue working even if the building itself is damaged by an event like severe weather or fire damage caused by arsonists who break into buildings looking for places where they can start fires without being caught by law enforcement agencies like police officers patrolling nearby streets late at night looking out for suspicious activity such as someone trying break into cars parked outside homes owned by people living nearby who may not always be home when these criminals try breaking into them since they’re working late shifts at jobs located far away from where these criminals live but still within commuting distance if need be so sometimes there isn’t much time between noticing something odd happening nearby versus having already left before getting there–which means those who live farther away might not hear anything unless someone alerts them first hand via phone call/text message etcetera…

Having a plan in place before disaster strikes will save your organization time, money, and resources.

Disaster recovery and business continuity planning is a process. It requires careful thought, consideration of all possible scenarios, and an understanding of what it will take for your organization to be successful in recovering from any type of disaster. A good plan will help you save time, money and resources as well as keep employees safe during an emergency situation.

The key to success is having a plan in place before disaster strikes so that when disaster does occur your organization can act quickly without hesitation or confusion about what steps are necessary next. The more prepared you are for unexpected events such as fires or floods at the workplace; power outages; natural disasters like hurricanes or tornados; man-made disasters like terrorism attacks on buildings where people work (such as 9/11) – the better chance there is that everyone involved will be able to get back up on their feet quickly afterwards without suffering serious financial losses because they weren’t prepared ahead of time!


Business continuity and disaster recovery planning is an important step in ensuring that your business is ready for whatever comes its way. By having a plan in place before disaster strikes will save your organization time, money, and resources.