October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Data Protection is Important

Data Protection is Important


I’m going to be honest with you: I’ve never been very excited about cybersecurity. That’s because most people think of cybersecurity as something that just computer geeks need, and it turns out that I’m not a computer geek. But then one day at work—I won’t go into the details but let’s just say it involved my personal information being leaked and shared publicly—I realized that cybersecurity is important for everyone, not just computer scientists. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that data protection is even more important than cybersecurity itself!

Data Protection is Important

Cybersecurity is important.

Data protection is one of the most important aspects of cybersecurity. It’s also one of the least understood by the public, who may think that data security is all about protecting their personal information. But in reality, it’s about much more than that–it’s about protecting your company and its assets as well.

Data security protects you from hackers who might try to break into your system and steal sensitive information like passwords or credit card numbers from people who use your website or app. By using strong encryption techniques like two-factor authentication (2FA), it’s possible for even an attacker with physical access to a device such as an employee’s laptop still not be able to access any sensitive data stored there because they cannot decrypt it without first having possession both physical hardware tokens used during login sessions (such as Yubikeys) as well as knowledge about how those particular tokens work together within their respective authentication systems – something only legitimate employees would have access too through training provided by IT departments at companies where these things happen regularly enough due diligence practices implemented consistently over time across entire organization

Data protection is important.

Data protection is important. It’s a legal requirement in many countries and it’s a moral obligation for everyone, but it’s also a business imperative for companies that handle personal data on a regular basis. The reason why you need to have proper data protection measures in place is simple: the value of your company depends on how well you protect your customers’ information from unauthorized access or misuse.

If you’re concerned about keeping your users safe from hackers and malware attacks then there are plenty of things you can do to improve their security – whether they’re using an online service or mobile app built by another company (or even yourself).

Cybersecurity and data protection are related but different things.

Data protection is more than just cybersecurity. It’s about making sure you have the right policies in place to protect your data from loss or theft.

Data protection requires a combination of people, process and technology that can be managed by an experienced third party provider like us at [COMPANY NAME].

Data protection is more than just cybersecurity.

Data protection is more than just cybersecurity. In fact, a good data protection program should involve a combination of people, processes and technology.

A good place to start when thinking about what makes up your organization’s data protection strategy is by assessing the risks associated with your organization’s information assets: What data do you have? Who has access to it? Where does this information reside (in-house or in the cloud)? Is there any sensitive personal information that needs special protection? Once you’ve identified these risks, it’s time to put together an action plan for reducing them through risk assessment and mitigation strategies–the first steps toward building out an effective data protection program.

Protecting yourself and your company’s data requires a whole-person, whole-company approach.

Data protection is a team effort. It requires a whole-person, whole-company approach–not just technology and cybersecurity. It’s about people, processes and data lifecycle management.

Data protection requires you to put in place the right policies, procedures and controls so that your organization can manage its data effectively throughout its lifecycle: from collection through storage and processing until deletion or destruction of any personally identifiable information (PII) when it no longer needs it for business purposes.


There is much more to data protection than just cybersecurity. It’s a complicated issue, with many different facets and layers. We hope this article helped you understand some of those layers and how they relate to each other. Data protection is an important topic that needs more attention in today’s world, so if anything resonated with you or sparked an idea for your own business security strategy then we encourage you to get involved!