October 19, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Customer Experience Improvement Case Study

Customer Experience Improvement Case Study


A leading European insurance company with more than 65 million customers and 10,000 employees found that their customer service agents were getting up to 5,000 calls a day. The average call length was 30 seconds but it took the agent 20-30 seconds per call for access the right system or software application to answer the question. This meant that each agent could only handle 2 calls per hour due to waiting time.

Customer Experience Improvement Case Study

A leading European insurance company with more than 65 million customers and 10,000 employees

A leading European insurance company with more than 65 million customers and 10,000 employees has developed a new customer experience improvement program that is helping the organization improve its KPIs by focusing on customer satisfaction, retention and loyalty.

Customer service agent was getting up to 5,000 calls a day

When you are a customer service agent and get 5,000 calls a day, your job can quickly become overwhelming. You’re spending more time on hold than actually helping customers because there’s just too much volume for one person to handle. The result? Customers grow frustrated and angry that they have been put on hold for so long, while agents are stressed out from dealing with so many irate callers at once.

In this case study we’ll look at how one company solved their customer experience issues by reducing wait times for callers by 90{b863a6bd8bb7bf417a957882dff2e3099fc2d2367da3e445e0ec93769bd9401c} and improving agent productivity by 50{b863a6bd8bb7bf417a957882dff2e3099fc2d2367da3e445e0ec93769bd9401c}.

Agent took 20-30 seconds per call to access the right system or software application to answer the question.

A customer service agent was taking too long to answer a question. The customer service agent was not able to access the right system or software application to answer the question.

This is a critical problem because it affects your customers’ experience, which in turn affects your business.

$1 million in annual savings through AI voice recognition technology

You may have heard that AI voice recognition technology is saving businesses money in a variety of ways. For example, it can be used by call centers to reduce the number of human operators needed to answer customer inquiries and complaints. This means that companies save money on payroll expenses, as well as on employee training costs (since employees are not always required to learn new languages).

In addition to saving money for businesses that use it directly, this kind of technology also benefits other industries indirectly by reducing labor costs across the board. For example: if one company reduces its number of employees through automation or outsourcing and then another company hires those same people as part-time workers at lower wages than they would normally receive from their previous employer (who now pays them nothing), then all other companies who rely on those first two companies’ services will experience similar savings because they no longer have their own full-time staff–they only have part-timers who work fewer hours than before!

Volumes are now down between 70-90{b863a6bd8bb7bf417a957882dff2e3099fc2d2367da3e445e0ec93769bd9401c}, with no loss of quality of service

AI is helping to improve customer experience, reduce costs and improve agent productivity. It’s also helping to improve customer satisfaction and employee engagement.

Artificial Intelligence is helping to improve customer experience.

Artificial Intelligence is helping to improve customer experience.

AI is a key technology for the insurance industry, and it can be used to increase efficiency and reduce errors. AI can also help reduce costs by automating manual processes that are currently performed by humans.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is helping to improve customer experience.