October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Confusing Data Management with Big Data

Confusing Data Management with Big Data


Data management and big data are two very different things. The goal of data management is to extract value from your existing data. Big data, on the other hand, can be used for predictive analytics, machine learning and AI. If you aren’t sure whether or not you need big data capabilities, this guide will help you understand how each works and when they should be used together!

Confusing Data Management with Big Data

What is data management?

Data management is the first step in the data analytics cycle. It involves collecting, storing and retrieving data from various sources like databases, websites, social media platforms etc. Data management also includes analysis of collected information to extract meaningful insights which can be used for decision making purposes.

Data warehousing (DW) refers to storing large volumes of structured or unstructured data in a central location so that it can be queried easily by different departments within an organization or between multiple organizations that share similar interests such as partners or competitors depending on their needs at any given point in time based on queries made by them earlier too!

What is big data?

Big data is a term used to describe datasets that are too large to process using traditional database management tools. It’s typically unstructured, or semi-structured (the data has some structure but not enough for it to be easily usable).

Big data can be analyzed using database technologies. For example, you might have a table containing records of all the customers who bought something from your ecommerce website over the past year and what they bought:

  • Name: John Smith
  • City: London
  • Products purchased: A book on quantum physics; A pair of shoes; A laptop computer; An iPad mini tablet

When should you use big data vs. data management?

Big data is used to analyze and make predictions. Data management is used to organize the data you already have. So, when should you use big data vs. data management?

Big Data is for finding new insights into your existing business processes or products by analyzing large amounts of unstructured information in real-time from multiple sources (including social media). It’s also useful for making predictions about future trends based on historical data analysis – think weather forecasting!

Data Management, on the other hand, focuses on storing all kinds of structured information including customer contact details as well as financial transactions at scale so they are easily accessible across multiple applications within an organization without having to re-enter them manually every time someone wants access again later down the line.”

Data Management and Big Data are different things and you need to understand the difference before purchasing any software.

Data management is a subset of big data, but it’s also very different from it.

Data management refers to the process of collecting, organizing, storing and securing data. For example: if you have an e-commerce website and you want to monitor how many visitors come through your site every day or week (or month), then this is an example of data management because you’re collecting information about people visiting your store. Big Data refers to the collection, storage and analysis of large datasets such as clickstreams from websites or even satellite imagery used by NASA scientists in their research projects!


Data management and big data are two very different things, but many people get them confused. If you want to understand the difference between them and how they can help your business, then this article should have been helpful for you in understanding how to choose the right software for your needs.