October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Building Technology Infrastructure – The Foundation of Business Success

Building Technology Infrastructure – The Foundation of Business Success


Technology infrastructure is the foundation of all business success. It underlies every aspect of a business and its operations – from sales to marketing, accounting to HR. The technology you use today will determine your future growth and profitability. That’s why it’s so important to invest in building a solid technological foundation that will support the needs of your ever-growing digital business landscape. But what exactly does “building technology infrastructure” mean? And how can you make sure that it’s done right?

Building Technology Infrastructure – The Foundation of Business Success

The Challenge of Remote Work

Remote work is a challenge for IT infrastructure. With employees working from home and in offices all over the world, it’s more difficult to monitor them and ensure they have access to the same tools as their colleagues who are located nearby.

Remote workers also require more attention because of their distance from the rest of the team–they may need help with setting up new devices or software, or getting access to company resources like printers or copiers.

A New Approach to Effective Communication

You can’t build a house without a foundation. Your business needs a similar foundation: an infrastructure that allows you to communicate effectively with your team, customers and partners.

The right technology tools can help your company scale faster and more efficiently than ever before. But what are the best options for communication? And how do you determine which ones will work best for your organization?

In this guide we’ll look at some of the most common challenges facing remote workers today–and show how modern communications solutions can address them head-on.

Uptime and Disaster Recovery Planning

Disaster recovery planning is an essential component of any business. It’s the process of creating and maintaining a plan that ensures your technology infrastructure can withstand any disaster, whether natural or man-made.

Business continuity planning (BCP) is an extension of disaster recovery planning that focuses on how to keep your business running after a disruption has occurred. BCP includes developing procedures for responding to emergencies, such as power outages or natural disasters; ensuring that you have adequate resources available in case they’re needed; testing those procedures periodically so they’re effective when needed most; and updating them regularly based on new threats or changes in technology infrastructure requirements

Virtualization for Improved Security and Compliance

The benefits of virtualization go beyond cost savings. A virtualized environment is more secure than running multiple servers, because each application runs in its own isolated space and cannot affect other applications or services on the same server. This means that if one application becomes compromised, it will only affect that particular instance of software and not all applications running on that server. In addition, virtualization allows you to isolate applications from each other further by creating separate networks for them to communicate over–this keeps sensitive data safe from prying eyes who may be monitoring traffic between systems or networks within your organization’s network architecture (or even the public Internet).

Virtualization can also help with compliance requirements imposed by government agencies such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act) or PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). These regulations require healthcare providers and financial institutions respectively to protect patient records against unauthorized access by third parties through encryption technologies like SSL/TLS encryption used in web browsers when accessing secure websites like Facebook or Gmail; but even with these measures in place there remains some risk since hackers could gain access through phishing attacks designed specifically targeting employees at these organizations who might click malicious links supplied via email messages containing attachments containing malware payloads designed specifically targeting Windows OS versions prior 2007 R2 SP1 – which was released after both HIPAA was passed into law back 2003 October 27th before being revised again several times since then due back 2011 January 1st

The New World of Networking and Collaboration

  • Cloud computing: The ability to run applications and store data on the internet instead of on your own computer or server.
  • Virtualization: Using software to create virtual computers that can be used like physical servers, but cost less money because you don’t have to buy the hardware for each one separately.
  • Software-defined networking (SDN): A network architecture in which control over routing decisions, traffic management, and other functions is decentralized rather than centralized at a single location within an organization’s network.[1]
  • Software-defined storage (SDS): A storage system that uses software rather than proprietary hardware components to manage data access across multiple devices.[2] SDS eliminates manual intervention by providing automated provisioning of resources based on business needs while reducing costs through increased efficiency

Technology infrastructure is the foundation of all business success.

Technology infrastructure is the foundation of all business success. Without a robust, reliable and scalable technology infrastructure, it’s impossible to run a successful business.

The first step in building your company’s technology infrastructure is choosing the right cloud provider for your needs. Cloud providers offer different types of services that can be used together or separately depending on your requirements. For example, if you need an e-commerce website but don’t want to deal with servers or data storage then use SaaS or PaaS (software-as-a-service or platform-as-a-service). These services allow you to focus on what’s important – building great products and services rather than managing servers!


In the end, technology infrastructure is the foundation of all business success. It’s important to remember that many of these new technologies can be used together or separately depending on your needs and preferences. If you are looking for ways to improve your business communications and collaboration, consider using virtualization for improved security and compliance or even telepresence for face-to-face interactions at remote locations. If you need better uptime and disaster recovery planning then look into using cloud services like Office 365 or Google Apps–these provide an easy way to access files from anywhere without worrying about losing data due to hardware failure!