Introduction Businesses are increasingly dependent on third-party suppliers for critical components and services. Third parties employ vendors, contractors and sub-contractors to perform tasks that may not be part of their core business. These third parties can include everything from your cleaning service to the company that handles your payroll to […]
Leatha Gathers
For Your Business, Data Protection Is S.M.A.R.T.
Introduction Data protection is a big deal. Your company’s security and your ability to meet compliance requirements are at stake. But data protection is more than just technology. It also involves process, strategy, people, and technology — and all of these components must be working together for effective protection of […]
A Guide to Effective Access Control and Data Security
Introduction You can’t have a business without data. The more valuable your data, the more important it is to protect that information from unauthorized access. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you’re implementing access control and data security in your organization as well as possible. Implement a Strong […]
Why Personalization and Optimization Are So Critical To Customer Engagement And Loyalty
Introduction In an era where customers can get what they want — and where — they want it, e-commerce is no longer about the products alone. It’s about delivering a seamless experience that touches every aspect of your customer’s life, from the moment they land on your website to after […]
7 Ways to Give Your Customers an Exceptional Star Wars Experience
Introduction Yes, it’s true: the Force is strong with your business. But how can you channel your inner Jedi to create an exceptional Star Wars experience for customers? Here are seven ways to bring out the best in your company and let every customer have their own personal lightsaber battle […]
Company Culture Predictions Can Help Us Unlock the Power of Predictive Analytics
Introduction Predictive analytics is one of the most powerful tools at our disposal. It’s used in every industry and at every level of business, but the benefits it can provide aren’t always easy to see. By using predictive analytics to understand your customers better, you can unlock huge results in […]
How To Take Advantage of Augmentation In The Workplace Today
Introduction Artificial intelligence has the potential to change how we live, work and play. But what is it and how can businesses use it today? In this article, we’ll look at how AI works, why businesses are adopting it and what they’re doing with it right now. Augmentation is the […]
Building A Strong Online Presence
Introduction Building A strong online presence is the backbone of any successful business. In this high-tech world, consumers want to do business with companies they know, like and trust. An effective website, social media channels and email marketing are all essential elements in creating a strong online presence for your […]
Mobile SEO: Why Mobile Optimization is Important & How To Get Started
Introduction If you’re not paying attention to mobile optimization (also known as “mobile SEO”), you could be missing out on a huge chunk of your audience. According to Pew Research Center, about 72 percent of American adults own a smartphone and almost two-thirds now use their phones to go online. […]
Can Innovation Drive Sustainability?
Introduction Our planet is facing a lot of challenges right now. The climate is changing, our water supply is dwindling, and overpopulation continues to be an issue in many countries around the world. But there’s hope! A sustainable future isn’t just possible – it’s inevitable if we start thinking differently […]