Ensuring Third-Party Security In Your Business Operations

Leatha Gathers

Introduction Businesses are increasingly dependent on third-party suppliers for critical components and services. Third parties employ vendors, contractors and sub-contractors to perform tasks that may not be part of their core business. These third parties can include everything from your cleaning service to the company that handles your payroll to […]

For Your Business, Data Protection Is S.M.A.R.T.

Leatha Gathers

Introduction Data protection is a big deal. Your company’s security and your ability to meet compliance requirements are at stake. But data protection is more than just technology. It also involves process, strategy, people, and technology — and all of these components must be working together for effective protection of […]

A Guide to Effective Access Control and Data Security

Leatha Gathers

Introduction You can’t have a business without data. The more valuable your data, the more important it is to protect that information from unauthorized access. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you’re implementing access control and data security in your organization as well as possible. Implement a Strong […]

Building A Strong Online Presence

Leatha Gathers

Introduction Building A strong online presence is the backbone of any successful business. In this high-tech world, consumers want to do business with companies they know, like and trust. An effective website, social media channels and email marketing are all essential elements in creating a strong online presence for your […]