October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

A Quiet Revolution In Long-Term Thinking

A Quiet Revolution In Long-Term Thinking


In the past 10 years, a quiet revolution has been taking place in the way we think about our work, our relationships, and our world. The new science of long-term thinking and its applications are finally being explored by some of the brightest minds in psychology and behavioral economics—and it’s changing how we understand human nature. But what does this mean for your life? What do you need to know about long-term thinking? How can you use this knowledge to improve your health? What’s next for research into long-term thinking? This article will answer those questions…

A Quiet Revolution In Long-Term Thinking

The New Academy of Long-Term Thinking

The New Academy of Long-Term Thinking is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting long-term thinking in all aspects of life. It was founded in 2014 by a group of leading thinkers and practitioners who have come together to create a global network of people and organizations committed to long-term thinking.

The New Academy works with governments, businesses and other organizations around the world on initiatives that promote longer time horizons for decision making and investment. These include:

  • A Global Commission on Long Term Investment led by Lord Nicholas Stern (former Chief Economist at the World Bank) with Dr Rajiv Sethi (Columbia University) as its Chair;
  • A Framework for Long Term Investing developed by Mark Wiseman (Former President & Chief Executive Officer at Canada’s largest pension fund CPPIB);

What Is Long-Term Thinking?

Long-term thinking is the opposite of short-term thinking. It’s about looking at the big picture, considering the future and planning for it.

Consider this: If we’re all constantly focused on what’s happening right now–this minute, this hour, this day–we can’t possibly make good decisions that will benefit us in the long run. We’ll miss out on opportunities because they seemed too hard or inconvenient at the time; we’ll make poor investments because they didn’t feel safe or secure enough; we’ll ignore opportunities that could change our lives because they don’t fit into our current routine (and if something doesn’t fit into our routine then it must not be worth doing).

How Do We Change the Way We Think?

The question is, how do we change the way we think?

Changing the way we think is a process. It requires changing our thinking habits, the way we are taught and rewarded, and even our governing systems. It may not happen in my lifetime or yours; it might take generations to come about–but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t worth trying for!

A Quiet Revolution In Long-Term Thinking

A revolution is a major change in the way things are done. It’s not just about business, it’s about making better decisions.

Long-term thinking is a new way of thinking that helps you make better decisions and live with less regret later on.

What if you had more time? What would you do differently?

It’s time to put long-term thinking into action.

It’s time to put long-term thinking into action.

We need to change the way we think about our businesses, about our political system and about the future. We need to start planning for it now–because if we don’t start planning for a better future now, then nothing will change when it comes time for us all to leave this planet behind us.


Long-term thinking is not a new concept, but it is one that has been forgotten by many over the years. Now more than ever, we need to be considering how our actions today impact future generations. By becoming more aware of the long-term consequences of our choices and how they affect others, we can make better decisions that will benefit everyone involved–including ourselves!