October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

A Guide to Measuring & Reporting Sustainability Efforts

A Guide to Measuring & Reporting Sustainability Efforts


Sustainability is a growing trend in the business world. Companies are becoming more aware of their impact on the environment and want to reduce their carbon footprint, use less water and energy, and recycle waste materials. However, sustainability isn’t just about being environmentally friendly; it’s also about creating a better working environment for employees by reducing waste and increasing efficiency. As a result, many companies have implemented sustainability initiatives on their own or through partnerships with organizations such as LEED (USGBC) or Responsible Business Alliance (RBA). In order to measure these impacts accurately though there are several things you should do first:

A Guide to Measuring & Reporting Sustainability Efforts

Understand the Impact of Your Sustainability Efforts

To understand the impact of your sustainability efforts, you can use audits. An audit is a systematic assessment of something (i.e., an organization’s operations) to determine whether it conforms to certain criteria. Audits can be done internally or externally and by yourself or with the help of a consultant. There are many types of audits: financial, operational and sustainability. The most common type is a financial audit which assesses whether money has been correctly spent according to established policies and procedures; this type does not evaluate environmental performance or social responsibility initiatives within organizations so it’s generally not useful for measuring sustainability efforts unless those aspects are included in your organization’s existing policies & procedures!

Use Audits to Drive Improvements

Audits are a great way to identify problems and opportunities. To make them even more effective, you should use an independent third party to conduct the audit. This will provide you with an objective view of your operations and enable you to take action on their recommendations in a timely manner. Auditing should be part of your company’s regular operations; it should not be just something done once or twice per year because it feels like it’s been too long since the last time!

Create a Measuring & Reporting Plan

The first step to creating a measuring and reporting plan is to establish a baseline. This can be done by assessing your current performance in each key area of sustainability, or by using industry benchmarks to set targets for improvement.

Once you’ve set your targets for improving environmental impact and social responsibility, it’s time to start collecting data on how well you’re doing against these goals. It’s important that this collection process is consistent across departments so that everyone is working toward the same goal–and also so that they know exactly what information they need from each other when reporting back on progress toward those goals!

If there are any gaps between what we want our organization/brand/business unit/etc., which we call “customers” here at Acme Co., should expect from us versus what those customers actually receive then we need more information about why those gaps exist before making changes based on assumptions alone (which might not be accurate).

Use these tips to implement sustainable practices in your company

  • Use these tips to implement sustainable practices in your company.
  • Understand the impact of your sustainability efforts.
  • Use audits to drive improvements.
  • Create a measuring and reporting plan


If you’re interested in implementing sustainable practices in your company, take a look at these tips. They can help guide you through the process and ensure that your efforts are successful.