October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

A Guide To Building A Strong Online Presence

A Guide To Building A Strong Online Presence


Building an online presence is a critical aspect of running a successful business. If you’re not familiar with the term, “online presence” refers to the various ways in which people can find you and interact with your brand online. It includes things like having a website or blog, creating social media accounts and communities, and building up an email list for newsletters and product announcements. Building an online presence allows people who might not have otherwise heard about your business to learn more about what you offer, which helps grow sales!

A Guide To Building A Strong Online Presence

What is an Online Presence?

An online presence is the virtual representation of a business, individual, brand or product. It’s how you present yourself to the world in the digital space.

For example:

  • The online presence of Coca-Cola is their website and Twitter account.
  • The online presence of Apple is their website, social media accounts and retail stores.
  • Your own personal online presence might include a blog or Instagram account (or both!).

Why is building an online presence important?

Why is it important to build an online presence?

The answer is simple: because it helps you build your brand identity, connect with customers, grow your business and reach a wider audience.

Online presence can help you create a community around the things that matter most to you. It also improves SEO (search engine optimization).

How to build an online presence.

  • Create a website. A website is the first thing people will see when they search for you online, so it’s important to make sure that it looks professional and conveys the right message about your business.
  • Create social media accounts. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram provide opportunities for businesses to communicate directly with their customers through posts, pictures and videos–and they’re also great ways for potential customers to learn more about what you do!
  • Create a newsletter (or two). Newsletters allow people who want updates from you but don’t have time to check Facebook every day get those updates in one place–making them perfect tools for staying top-of-mind with past clients as well as potential new ones!

Make your website user-friendly.

  • A user-friendly design is essential to building a strong online presence. If your website isn’t easy to navigate and use, you risk losing visitors before they can even check out what you have to offer.
  • Your site should load quickly and be mobile friendly so that people can browse it from their phones or tablets without any problems.
  • Responsive design means that your site will automatically adjust itself based on its environment: whether it’s being accessed through a desktop computer monitor or an iPhone screen, for example. This makes sure that all of the information on your pages is displayed properly regardless of how it was accessed by users (and also helps search engines index them better).
  • The most important feature of any eCommerce store? A shopping cart! This allows visitors who’ve found something interesting enough in order for them buy it later when they’re ready–or even now if possible (depending on how much inventory you have).

Build an email list and newsletter.

In order to build a strong online presence, you need to have an email list.

  • Create a free email course. You can do this by creating an opt-in page on your website, or if you don’t have a website yet but would like one, I recommend using MailChimp (it’s free).
  • Provide value in the form of helpful content and tips for readers who sign up for your list. Make sure that it’s easy for them to sign up–and even easier for them unsubscribe if they don’t find value in what you’re offering! Remember: permission marketing is key here!

You should also make sure that all emails sent through MailChimp are fully compliant with CAN-SPAM laws before sending them out into cyberspace.*

Create partnerships with other bloggers, influencers, or companies.

There are a lot of ways to find potential partners. You can use social media to search for them, or you can start by making a list of all the blogs, influencers, and companies that share your interests. If you’re interested in fashion and beauty products, for example, look at the websites of bloggers who write about those topics–you may find that some have an audience similar to yours (and therefore would be good candidates). You could also search for businesses whose products might appeal to readers of your blog–for example if someone writes about food recipes on their website then maybe they’d want to collaborate with restaurants that specialize in serving dishes made with those ingredients!

Similarly when making connections between different types of businesses it’s important not only consider whether they’re likely customers but also whether they might offer something useful in return: if one company sells advertising space while another runs e-commerce sites then there’s potential synergy between their services which could lead both parties benefit from working together!

Create social media accounts and communities.

The first step to building your online presence is to create social media accounts and communities. There are a number of different platforms you can use, but it’s important to pick the ones that best match your audience and goals.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Facebook Page (and Group) – Facebook has 1.55 billion users worldwide, making it one of the most popular sites in existence today! You can create a business page here or join an existing group with similar interests as yours if they exist already (e.g., “Parents Who Love To Travel”). This will allow people who share similar passions with yours find out more about what you do without having them search for info on Google first before contacting/buying from someone else who may not have as much experience as yourself yet but still has access via search engines because they’ve created better content over time through blogging consistently instead of just once per month when something happens such as having children born into this world.”

Building a strong online presence can help grow your business, but it’s not always easy!

Building a strong online presence can help grow your business, but it’s not always easy!

The process of building an online presence is not like planting a seed and watching the tree grow overnight. It takes time and effort to build up your brand and get noticed by potential customers. You have to be patient and keep going even when things aren’t working out right away. The more work you put into building up an online presence for yourself or your business, the more results will come back to you in the future (and hopefully sooner than later).


Building an online presence is a lot of work, but it’s worth it! Your website should be the cornerstone of your online presence, which means that you’ll want to make sure it’s user-friendly and has all the information customers need. You can also use social media accounts like Facebook or Twitter as platforms for communicating with customers and potential clients. Finally, if there are other bloggers or influencers in your industry who share similar interests with you (and who would therefore be interested in collaborating on projects), reach out to them about forming partnerships!