October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

A Complete Guide To Making An Informed Decision On Workforce Augmentation

A Complete Guide To Making An Informed Decision On Workforce Augmentation


For years, many businesses have been hesitant to adopt artificial intelligence (AI). But as AI tools become more advanced, more organizations are beginning to embrace them. In fact, one study reveals that 40{b863a6bd8bb7bf417a957882dff2e3099fc2d2367da3e445e0ec93769bd9401c} of organizations will have an AI strategy in place by 2020. The question is: What kind of strategy should your business adopt? And how can you make sure it’s effective?

A Complete Guide To Making An Informed Decision On Workforce Augmentation

Step 1: Understand the current state of your business.

The first step to making an informed decision is understanding the current state of your business. This includes everything from how many employees you have, what they’re doing and why they’re doing it.

  • How many employees do you have?
  • What are their roles? Are they in sales, marketing or customer service? Is there a specific function that requires more attention than others (e.g., hiring new clients)?
  • Why are these people working for you at all? Is it because they want to be part of something exciting and innovative–or because they need a paycheck at this point in their lives?

Step 2: Identify areas of the business that can be automated.

The next step is to identify areas of the business that can be automated. This will be different for every company, but there are some general guidelines you can follow:

  • Industry – If your industry has traditionally been more labor-intensive (e.g., construction or manufacturing), it’s unlikely that much of your workforce can be replaced by robots. On the other hand, if you operate in a field where automation has already made significant headway (e.g., trucking or transportation), then there may be more opportunity for improvement than meets the eye.
  • Size – Smaller organizations have less access to capital and resources than larger ones do; therefore they tend to invest less money into productivity tools like artificial intelligence software platforms (AISPs). As such, smaller businesses should focus on automating tasks that require less human interaction–such as data entry–and leave more complex work processes up to humans who are better equipped for them

Step 3: Consider how this might impact your workers and their roles.

Now that you’ve decided to take the plunge and explore workforce augmentation, you need to consider how this might impact your workers and their roles.

  • Impact on roles and responsibilities: This is probably the easiest thing to think about as it’s already in place. Employees are assigned specific tasks, but with augmentation in place there may be more work being done overall by less people. If so, then some employees’ workloads will increase while others will decrease–but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing! It all depends on what kind of person you are (and what kind of person they are). Some people thrive under pressure while others crumble under it; some can handle change without much issue while others need time adjusting before they feel comfortable with new processes or procedures. By understanding where each individual employee falls within these two categories (and based on their performance history), managers can determine whether or not a particular worker should remain part-time or full-time after implementing augmented staffing models into their business model.* Impact on morale and motivation: While some companies choose not hire temporary workers due solely because they don’t want any additional overhead costs associated with paying someone else’s salary when they could just as easily do it themselves without adding any extra burden onto their own shoulders.”

Step 4: Determine which tasks are better suited to artificial intelligence and human collaboration.

If you’re looking for a long-term solution, then you should consider using AI. However, if your organization is just starting out with workforce augmentation and doesn’t have the resources or budget to implement an AI system at this time, then human collaboration might be a better option.

In order to determine which tasks are better suited for artificial intelligence and human collaboration, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is there repetition involved? If so, does it require repetitive workflows?
  • Is there predictability in the task/process? Can we predict what happens next in our process?
  • Does this task require creativity or judgment on the part of employees (e.g., decision making)? How complex is it?
  • How much communication between people does this task involve (e.g., sharing information)?

Step 5: Decide how you want to use artificial intelligence in your workforce augmentation strategy.

The next step is to decide how you want to use artificial intelligence in your workforce augmentation strategy. The first thing to consider is what tasks you want to automate, and how AI can help accomplish those goals. Next, think about your company culture and values–are they aligned with the use of AI? Finally, determine which type of artificial intelligence solution will best fit your business needs: cloud-based or on-premises software; machine learning versus rule-based systems; supervised or unsupervised learning models…the list goes on!

Once you’ve made these decisions about what kind of platform/solution(s) would be most beneficial for helping automate some processes within the organization (and therefore increase efficiency), then it’s time for step 6!

Takeaway: You can use Artificial Intelligence to augment your workforce, but you must start by understanding how it works, its limitations, and potential benefits for your organization.

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is a technology that can be used to augment your workforce, but you must start by understanding how it works, its limitations, and potential benefits for your organization.

A.I. can help with repetitive tasks and time-consuming processes. It can also improve accuracy by reducing human error or making better decisions faster than humans alone could make them. However, A.I.’s usefulness depends on its ability to learn from experience–and this process takes time!


The future of artificial intelligence is here and it’s changing the way we do business. If you’re looking to take advantage of this technology, start by understanding how it works and what it can do. Then, consider how this might impact your workers and their roles within your organization before deciding how best to use AI in your workforce augmentation strategy.