October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

Getting It Right: 5 Questions About Fulfillment and Logistics

Getting It Right: 5 Questions About Fulfillment and Logistics


There’s nothing more exciting than watching your business grow. It’s even better when you know that growth isn’t going to hurt your bottom line or cause a lot of extra work. But what happens when you’ve reached a point where things need to change? For example, if you’re finding that fulfilling orders is taking too long or costing too much money—or if there are other issues with how your products get out the door—then it may be time for a new approach. Which begs the question: How do you know when it’s time for change? How can bad conditions like those be addressed? In this article we’ll look at some common challenges facing growing companies and their fulfillment processes, then talk about strategies you can use to get them right again!

Getting It Right: 5 Questions About Fulfillment and Logistics

How do you know when you need to change the way you fulfill orders?

You’re smart, and you know that the only way to get better is by learning from your mistakes. So how do you decide if it’s time for a change?

To start with, look at what’s working. What processes are producing good results? Are there any areas where customers are having problems or leaving negative reviews? If so, what could be done differently to improve these aspects of the process?

Next up: look at what isn’t working as well as it could be–and why not! This is where things can get really interesting; if something isn’t going right with fulfillment (or any other part) of your business model, consider whether there’s some way in which other companies have solved this problem more effectively than yours currently does (e.g., through technology). The goal here isn’t just improvement; often times it will involve completely rethinking how we do things or even starting over from scratch!

How can you make sure that your fulfillment process is right for your growing business?

Before you start a fulfillment process, there are a few things that you need to consider.

  • What kind of growth are you expecting? This is an important question because it will help determine how much inventory needs to be stored and shipped.
  • Who is going to manage this process for your company? It’s important for someone with experience in logistics and operations management know how to set up the right systems so that everything runs smoothly from start to finish.
  • How will orders be tracked throughout their journey through the warehouse until they reach their final destination? If there isn’t an easy way for customers or other departments within the company, such as sales or marketing teams who need access this information then it could cause problems down the road when trying figure out what went wrong during certain periods where demand exceeded supply capabilities due high demand levels (such as Christmas season).

How do you keep up with demand when sales are on the rise?

If you’re looking to scale your business, it’s important to consider how much space your warehouse has and whether or not it can handle the increase in inventory. If not, then you may need to hire more people who can handle the extra work. Another option is finding a fulfillment company that will be able to take care of all of this for you.

If scaling up seems like too much work at first glance and there aren’t any other options available (like hiring someone else), then maybe automating some processes would be better suited for what it is that you do as well as saving some time along with money over time by doing so.

What are the best ways to get your products out the door and into the hands of customers?

When it comes to shipping, there are many options. You can choose a courier service that will pick up your packages and bring them to their destination, or you can use an online shipping platform like Shopify Shipping that allows you to print labels directly from your store.

You’ll also want to consider how much time it takes for customers’ orders to be shipped out and delivered–and what happens if something goes wrong with this process. Will the customer service team help resolve any issues in a timely manner?

Beyond shipping, another important aspect of fulfillment is returns: what do customers expect from their return experience when they’re sending items back for exchange or repair? Your return policy should clearly state how long an item must remain unopened before being eligible for refund; this protects both sides from fraudsters who might try returning used goods as new ones (or vice versa).

How can you be sure that there’s enough space in your warehouse to accommodate all those orders?

The first thing to consider is inventory management. You need to make sure that there’s enough space in your warehouse to accommodate all those orders, but not so much that it becomes expensive and inefficient. Warehouse space planning can be tricky–there are many factors involved and no one-size-fits-all solution.

A good way to start is by choosing a warehouse with the right size and layout for your business’ needs, as well as features like climate control or advanced materials handling equipment (such as conveyors). The best way to find out what kind of warehouse would work best for you is through research: talk with other companies who have experience working with various warehouses, ask them what they liked/didn’t like about each one, then take those lessons into account when looking at new facilities yourself!

If you’re thinking about changing how you fulfill orders, don’t hesitate. It’s important to know what’s working and what could use improvement.

If you’re thinking about changing how you fulfill orders, don’t hesitate. It’s important to know what’s working and what could use improvement.

The first step is to have a clear understanding of your business goals. This should be something that everyone on your team understands so that everyone is working toward the same thing: making sure that customers are happy with their purchases and getting them as quickly as possible.

Once those goals are established, it’s time to look at what needs improvement within the fulfillment process itself–and there may be more than one area! You might not realize this but there is a difference between what you want and what actually needs fixing until after analyzing all aspects of fulfillment together in order for everyone involved (including yourself) have better visibility into where improvements need made based on actual data rather than just assumptions based off anecdotal evidence alone.”


If you’re thinking about changing how you fulfill orders, don’t hesitate. It’s important to know what’s working and what could use improvement.