October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

8 Tools to Boost Mobile Productivity

8 Tools to Boost Mobile Productivity


It’s no secret that modern life is stressful. Between work and family obligations, personal projects, and general life maintenance—the list goes on! And if you’re like me, you also want to get things done on your phone. That’s why I’ve come up with a few productivity tools that will help you focus on what matters most in life.

8 Tools to Boost Mobile Productivity

The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method used by many people to help them be more productive. It’s based on the idea that frequent breaks can improve productivity, so you work for 25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break.

This tool works well if you want to focus on one task at a time without getting distracted by other things or feeling overwhelmed by your workload.

Automated To-Do Lists

A to-do list is an indispensable tool for staying on top of your to-dos. It’s even more useful when it’s automated, so you don’t have to remember to make a new list every day or week.

Here are some options:

  • Use an app like Todoist or Any.do (or something similar) with reminder features built in–the app will notify you when it’s time for something on your list and keep track of what needs doing until then.
  • If you prefer pen and paper, try a checklist app like TickTick or Checkmark instead of writing everything down by hand–you can get away with fewer reminders this way!

You might also consider using an email reminder system like Boomerang for Gmail if all else fails; this feature allows users to set up automatic reminders that send emails at specific times, whether it be once per week or just once per month!

Location-Based Reminders

Location-based reminders are a great tool for remembering tasks that require specific locations. For example, if you want to remember to call your mom when you get home from work, this can be helpful. You can also use location-based reminders for other things like picking up groceries or going on a run at the park.

Work in a Group Space

Working in a group space can be more productive than working in isolation, especially if you’re collaborating with people who have different skill sets than yours. The tools below will help your team keep track of its commitments and progress:

  • Shared calendar. Use a shared calendar to see what everyone is working on at any given time, so that no one has conflicting commitments or double-bookings. This will also help ensure that everyone knows when to expect certain deliverables from others on the project.
  • Shared document folder (or Google Drive). Use this tool for storing all of the documents related to your project–including notes from meetings, sketches or wireframes for new designs/functionality, research findings from interviews with customers or stakeholders–so that everyone has access when needed without having their own copies scattered across multiple devices and locations around town!
  • Shared notebook folder (or Evernote). If possible use Evernote instead because it allows easy cross-platform syncing between desktop computers/laptops but either way just pick something where everyone can add notes about what they’ve learned during research sessions etcetera then share those notes back out into other channels like email listservs etcetera again so everyone gets them too!

Crystal Clear Communication

Communication is the cornerstone of any relationship, whether it’s personal or professional. In fact, communication skills are one of the most important factors when it comes to being successful in your career. If you want to improve your ability to communicate clearly with others, here are some tips:

  • Listen carefully and pay attention to what others say. This will help keep them engaged and make them feel respected by you.
  • Use simple language that everyone can understand without having to think too hard about it (for example: “I’m sorry” instead of “I regret”). It also helps if you avoid jargon or technical terms unless they’re necessary for the situation at hand; otherwise you risk confusing people who don’t know what those words mean!
  • Be aware of body language such as eye contact and posture–these things can show how interested someone really is in what another person has said by indicating attentiveness (or lack thereof).

Personal Task Management Apps

Personal task management apps are a great way to organize your tasks, especially if you’re working on multiple projects at once. If you’re looking for an app with a straightforward interface and simple features, try Trello. It’s ideal for small teams who want to keep track of projects and collaborate with one another–and it works well on mobile devices.

If you’re looking for something more robust than Trello but don’t need all the bells and whistles that come with Asana or Basecamp (the other two options listed here), Wunderlist is a good choice: it lets users add notes, due dates, collaborators and comments within each task so that everyone involved knows exactly where things stand at any given time without having too much information overload happening at once–which can happen when using something like Basecamp because of how many different ways there are available within its system!

Group Collaboration Tools

Group collaboration tools are great for managing projects and tasks, especially if you’re working with a team. If you need to collaborate with your colleagues on the go, these apps will come in handy:

  • Google Docs: Create and share documents in real time. You can also use Google Drive to store all your files in one place.
  • Evernote: An excellent note-taking app that lets users collect ideas from anywhere–and then organize them into related topics so they’re easy to find later on.
  • Trello: This tool allows teams of all sizes (including remote workers) to stay on top of their projects by organizing tasks into boards; each board contains lists of cards containing specific information about each task at hand (including due dates). It’s easy enough for beginners but powerful enough for more advanced users as well! – Asana or DropBox

A little planning can go a long way.

Before you go into battle, you need to plan. It’s not enough to know what you want and then start working on it; if the task is too big or complicated, or if there are distractions around every corner in your environment (or both), then planning will help keep your focus on track and make sure that nothing gets left out of the equation.

Planning can also help with productivity because it allows us to take advantage of our strengths as humans: we’re naturally good at making plans! The human brain has evolved over millions of years as a tool for survival–and one of its key functions was planning ahead so we could survive another day and keep our species going strong. A little bit of planning goes a long way when it comes down to getting things done efficiently and effectively–and this goes double when working remotely from home!


If you’re looking for ways to be more productive, check out these eight tools. They’ll help you get things done on the go and keep your team on track with each other.