October 19, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

12 Management Styles: Finding the Right Approach for Your Team

12 Management Styles: Finding the Right Approach for Your Team


Managing people is one of the most important parts of running a successful business. The right management style can be the difference between success and failure, and even small differences can have huge impacts on performance. However, not all companies operate in exactly the same way and different types of management styles may work better for different organizations. In this article we’ll look at 12 different approaches to managing employees and see which ones are best suited for your organization.

12 Management Styles: Finding the Right Approach for Your Team


Coaching is a style of management that focuses on helping people develop and grow. It’s usually done one-on-one, with the coach providing feedback and support to an individual employee. Coaches should be able to give constructive criticism, but they also need to be able to listen–this helps them understand what their employees are going through and how they can help them improve their performance.

Coaches should have positive attitudes and be able to motivate others while inspiring them with new ideas or goals. They must have strong leadership skills so that everyone knows who’s in charge when things go wrong; if you’re not sure whether your office has this type of leader at its helm, consider looking into hiring someone who can fill that role more effectively than current managers do right now!


Delegating is a good management style. It’s an effective way to manage your team and delegate tasks, allowing you to focus on the big picture.

When delegating tasks, it’s important to consider what each member of your team does best–and then delegate accordingly. For example: If someone has excellent written communication skills and can write well-researched memos quickly, then they should probably be working on those types of documents instead of writing blog posts or articles for publication online (unless they’re also interested in doing this).

A manager who delegates effectively will find themselves with more free time than ever before! This allows them the opportunity to work on projects that require more attention or involve higher levels of responsibility (such as creating new policies).

Leading by example

Leading by example is a simple but powerful approach. It’s about modeling the behavior that you want to see in your team, and showing that you care about their success. Here are some tips for leading by example:

  • Be an example of the behavior that you want to see in your team. If you want them to be open and honest with each other, then show them how it’s done by being open and honest yourself–even if it’s something uncomfortable or difficult.
  • Show appreciation when deserved (and don’t wait until a performance review). People are more likely to do something again if they feel appreciated for doing it once already! It also helps build trust among teammates when there’s no question about whether or not someone appreciates their efforts on behalf of the company/project/etc..
  • Listen carefully before speaking up–and make sure what comes out isn’t just words without substance behind them! A good listener will be able to hear what others really mean when they speak instead wasting time guesswork based off assumptions made during conversations where no one actually listened first hand.”

Executive mentoring and coaching

Executive mentoring is a form of coaching, which can be internal or external. The mentor is more senior than the person being mentored and provides insight and advice to their mentees. In order for this relationship to be successful, both parties need to respect each other and take their advice seriously so that it can have an impact on performance in the long term.

Team-based management style

In a team-based management style, you and your team agree on goals and objectives. The team is responsible for its own work, accountable to achieve those goals, and responsible for the quality of its output. Team members also have a say in how they do their work–they may collaborate or take their own initiative depending on what’s needed.

The biggest advantage of this approach is that it empowers employees by giving them control over their contributions and results: they can make decisions without needing approval from above; they have autonomy over how much effort they put into achieving something (within reason); if something doesn’t work out well enough then there’s no blame game because no one person failed alone but rather everyone worked together toward an agreed upon goal; finally if something does go wrong then there’s always another chance next time because nothing was set in stone permanently!

Servant leadership style

Servant leadership style is about putting the needs of others first. This type of leader sets up a culture where trust and respect rule, so that employees feel empowered to do their best work. They develop other leaders within the organization, empowering them with knowledge and tools for success–and making sure that everyone knows how important they are.

Servant leaders don’t just focus on improving themselves; they also want to make sure that everyone else around them is growing too. If one team member isn’t performing as well as he could be, a servant leader will encourage him until he reaches his full potential (or finds another job). Servant leaders are always looking out for others’ best interests, even if it means sacrificing some time or energy on their own part–and they expect no less from those who work under them in return!

Autocratic management style

Autocratic management style

  • Takes a top-down approach. The manager is the boss and makes all the decisions, while team members follow his or her orders without question.
  • The manager is seen as the expert who knows best in all situations. He or she delegates tasks to team members and expects them to carry out those tasks exactly as directed with no deviation from their instructions.

Democratic leadership style

Democratic leadership style is a management approach that involves team members having a say in the work they do. The democratic leader allows each member of their team to take on responsibilities based on their skillset and interests, giving them freedom to make decisions and take risks. Team members are also allowed the freedom to make mistakes, so long as they learn from them along the way. In this kind of environment you’ll find employees taking time off when they need it or taking on projects outside of their job description (or both!).

Laissez-faire management style

Laissez-faire management style

This approach to management is hands-off and allows employees to do their jobs without interference. The manager does not get involved in day-to-day operations or make decisions about what the team should be doing; instead, he or she delegates responsibility for tasks to the group members. The employees are not accountable for their actions because there is no oversight from above.

Finding the right management style is key to success.

Finding the right management style is key to success.

A successful manager knows that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, and that different approaches work better for different people. In fact, research shows that managers who are able to adapt their leadership styles based on the unique needs of their team members are more effective than those who use only one approach (or even worse, have no management style at all). This can be hard–but it’s also rewarding! Here are some tips on how you can find your best approach:

  • Ask yourself what kind of manager you want to be. Think about what inspires you about other leaders and what makes them effective in leading their teams or organizations. You’ll probably notice some similarities across these leaders’ styles; this gives us clues as to what works well together when managing people effectively.* Look at where each person fits into your organization as a whole.* Think about how much time each person has available for extra responsibilities outside of work hours.* Take into account any special circumstances affecting how often someone might need feedback from others around them (for example: children living with them full time).


Management styles are an important part of the manager’s job. They can help you lead your team to success, but they also have the potential to cause problems if they’re not used correctly. The key is finding a management style that works best for your team and then sticking with it!