October 20, 2024

Leatha Gathers

Analytical Insight

10 Ways You Can Boost Productivity While Working Remotely

10 Ways You Can Boost Productivity While Working Remotely


As a remote worker, you have to be more intentional about your productivity than people who work in an office every day. The way I see it, there are two types of productivity: productive output and the ability to focus on what matters most without getting distracted. You can still do both things when working remotely, but you might need to adjust your definition of what it means to be productive if you want to make sure your work is getting done efficiently and effectively.

10 Ways You Can Boost Productivity While Working Remotely

Use a digital timer to help you stay on task.

One of the best ways to improve productivity is by using a digital timer. A digital timer can be used for all sorts of different things, including helping you stay on task and finish projects quickly.

One way to use a digital timer is to set it for a specific amount of time, such as 30 minutes or an hour, depending on how long you need to work on something. Then whenever that alarm goes off, it’s time for you to switch tasks! This will help prevent burnout from working too long without taking breaks or switching gears between tasks in order to give yourself some variety in what you’re doing (and avoid getting bored).

Another great trick with these gadgets is setting them up so they’ll remind you when it’s time for lunch or dinner–or even just “snack” time! This will help keep mealtimes regular and prevent me from skipping meals because I’m too busy working away at my computer screen trying not only finish up my current project but also get started on another one afterward…

Create a “quiet” space to work.

You may be able to find a quiet space in your home, but it might not be enough to put you in the right frame of mind. If possible, create an area that’s just for working–a room or corner where there are no distractions and nothing to draw your attention away from the task at hand. You can use some kind of soundproofing material if necessary (carpet padding works well). This way, when you go into “work mode,” there won’t be any chance of being interrupted by family members or pets walking through the area unexpectedly; this will help keep the focus on productivity rather than anything else happening around you.

Make use of your commute time.

  • Listen to podcasts or audiobooks.
  • Review your tasks for the day.
  • Plan your day.
  • Meditate, if you have time! This can be a great way to start off your commute, especially if it’s a long one and there’s no other reason for being in the car/bus/train for so long (like going somewhere). It helps calm nerves and keep you focused throughout the rest of your day by getting everything out of your head before it gets too crowded there with all those thoughts trying desperately not only not-to-be-forgotten but also remembered later on when needed most urgently–like right now!

Use the Pomodoro technique.

Pomodoro is a time management technique developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. It involves breaking your work into intervals, each lasting about 25 minutes with 5-minute breaks between them. This allows you to stay focused on a task without burning yourself out or getting distracted from other things that need attention.

The Pomodoro technique also makes it easier for you to focus on what’s important and do all of the tasks required by your job so that they get done on time (or even early). If you’re working remotely, this means less stress and more free time!

Create “me” time, even if it’s just for 15 minutes.

Many people find that working remotely means they have more time to themselves. However, it’s important to remember that you won’t always be able to take advantage of this fact and get things done during your work hours. If you’re looking for ways to boost productivity while working remotely, try setting aside a few minutes each day (or even several times throughout the week) as “me” time.

Set a timer for 15 minutes and use those 15 minutes exclusively for yourself–don’t let yourself get distracted by email or other projects! During this period of time:

  • Make a list of things you want/need/could use more energy in your life right now (exercise class? meditation app? reading?). Then prioritize one item on your list and do it immediately after setting aside some time just for yourself.*

Don’t be afraid to get off the computer and do something else.

  • Don’t be afraid to get off the computer and do something else.
  • Don’t let yourself get stuck in a rut.
  • Don’t be afraid to try new things.
  • Take breaks from work as often as you need them, even if it means working remotely for only part of your day or week!

Commit to doing a few things each day that you enjoy and will help you recharge, even if they’re not part of your daily workload.

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle of working remotely and forget about taking care of yourself. But it’s important to remember that your health is the foundation for everything in life–and if you don’t take care of yourself first, nothing else will go as well.

You can’t give 100 percent if you’re exhausted or stressed out from not getting enough sleep, so make sure that you take time each day to recharge with some exercise or meditation (or both). You’ll also want to make sure that you’re eating well and getting enough sleep at night so that your body has energy throughout the day.

If possible, schedule some time off during the week where no work gets done–even if it’s just an hour or two every couple days where you spend time reading a book instead of responding emails while waiting for lunch at Panera Bread! It doesn’t matter what kind of break activity works best for each person; just make sure there are breaks built into their schedule somewhere along those lines because otherwise they’ll feel like they never get away from their desk which could lead them feeling burnt out over time

Schedule time with friends and family and keep those commitments, even if they’re not during regular business hours.

If you’re working remotely, it can be easy to get stuck in your own little bubble and lose track of time. Schedule time with friends and family, and make sure that those commitments are kept–even if they’re not during regular business hours.

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by all the work on your plate (and it’s tempting to just push through), remember that taking breaks is essential for maintaining productivity throughout the day. If possible, take a walk outside or even just sit down for five minutes without any distractions at all!

Set boundaries to protect yourself from burnout or overwork.

If you’re going to be working remotely, it’s important to set boundaries for yourself. You need to make sure that your work-life balance is in order and that you aren’t overworked or burnt out. Make sure that when the day is done, the workday is over!

Don’t feel guilty about taking time for yourself–it’s crucial if you want to stay productive while working remotely.

You can still be productive while working remotely, but sometimes you have to change what productivity means for you

Productivity is a mindset. It’s not just about getting things done, it’s also about making sure that what you do get done is meaningful.

If your job requires you to work remotely, then there are some specific challenges that come with this type of work environment–namely, staying productive when the office isn’t around to keep you accountable and motivated. But if you can shift your thinking about productivity away from “getting things done” and toward something more progressive like “making sure I’m doing meaningful work,” then these challenges become easier to navigate!


Remember, you don’t have to be chained to your desk in order to be productive. There are so many things you can do with a computer and an internet connection that allow you to work remotely, but they don’t necessarily require sitting at a desk all day long. You can set up a home office where it’s quiet and private enough that nobody will interrupt your work (or sleep), or get up early enough in the morning so that there aren’t any distractions around before everyone else gets up too! The most important thing is finding what works best for you–and then sticking with it until those habits become second nature.”